America in 1900-1920

  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes President

    Theodore Roosevelt becomes President
    After President McKinley is assassinated and dies he is succeeded by his Vice President Roosevelt. Roosevelt’s youthful energy and confrontational politics captivated the nation.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Roosevelt pronounced the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine in 1904, proclaiming U.S. police power in the Caribbean.
  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

    The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
    In Manhattan, a factory was caught on fire with workers inside trapped and ended 76 injured and 148 dead. For years these Triangle workers have been demanding higher wages and safer conditions. After this accident it convinced Americans of the need for reform.
  • Woodrow Wilson is Elected President

    Woodrow Wilson is Elected President
    Woodrow Wilson, the Democratic Party nominee, emphasized in his New Freedom agenda neither trust busting nor federal regulation but rather small-business incentives so that individual companies could increase their competitive chances and yet he won the election in the end being the 28th president.
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    World War I

    In 1914, Serbian Gavrilo Princip assassinates the Austrian-Hungarian heirs to the throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Grand Duchess Sophie, which creates the Great War to begin. In 1919, Germany and the Allied Nations (including Britain, France, Italy and Russia) signed the Treaty of Versailles, formally ending the war.
  • The United States Enters WWI

    The United States Enters WWI
    America declares war on Germany. President Wilson forsees and believed a German victory would drastically and dangerously alter the balance of power in Europe. Submarine warfare and the Zimmerman Telegram, meanwhile, inflamed public opinion. Congress declared war on Germany on April 4, 1917.
  • Woodrow Wilson Creates The League of Nations

    Wilson's plan was a novel international organization—the League of Nations—charged with keeping a worldwide peace by preventing the kind of destruction that tore across Europe and “affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike.” This promise of collective security, that an attack on one sovereign member would be viewed as an attack on all, was a key component of the Fourteen Points
  • The Eighteenth Amendment

    Concerned about squalor, poverty, and domestic violence the Eighteenth Amendment is put into place. After that point, alcohol could no longer be manufactured or sold.
  • The Nineteenth Amendment

    The Nineteenth Amendment
    In the 1920's, this was the time where American women were strong in activism. The women had also won the vote of passage with the Nineteenth Amendment which granted the women's right to vote.