America Enters the War

  • Japan Signs the Tripartite Act

    The Tripartite Act was also known as the Berlin Act. The Tripartite Act created an alliance between Germany, Italy and Japan.
  • Hideki Tojo becomes Japans Prime Minister

    Hideki Tojo becomes Japans Prime Minister
    Hideki Tojo was known as "The Razor", because he had a sharp mind. His focus was on the military and he wanted to keep the United States neutral.
  • The Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor

    The Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was the United States Navy's main base, the Japanese were sent by Hideki Tojo under the command of Chuichi Nagumo, which is the Vice Admiral. Japan had 6 aircraft carriers, 360 airplanes and many submarines, battleships and more. America suffered heavy loss, 2,500 people killed, any many aircraft was destroyed.
  • America Declares War

    The Pearl Harbor attack was nationally known a few days after the attack. President Franklin D. Roosevelt adressed Congress to declare war. The attack left little doubt about declaring war on Japan. FDR told a speech prior to the attack and the voting to declare war was 388 to 1.
  • Government Sets Up The War Production Board (WPB)

    The War Production Board was made to oversee the conversion of peacetime industry to war industry. After, the government created a host of other agencies that worked together to distribute materials into the proper industries, regulate the production of civilian goods, establish production contracts, negotiate with organized labor, and control inflation, with the Office of War Mobilization (OWM), to supervise all of these efforts.
  • Bataan Death March

    75,000 Allied soldiers surrendered. Japanese forced the sick and malnourished Prisoners of War. to march 55 miles up the Bataan Peninsula, then had to march 8 more miles. Over 7,000 American and Filipino troops died during the march.
  • The Doolittle Raid

    After the Pearl Harbor attack, Franklin D, Roosevelt wanted America to retaliate against Japan. They planned a nighttime bombing raid from the deck of the aircraft carrier USS Hornet, led by Colonel James Doolittle. The Doolittle Raid killed 50 Japanese people and damaged over 100 buildings.
  • The Battle of Coral Sea

    The Battle of Coral Sea
    The Battle of Coral Sea helped kindle hope for the American military in the pacific. It was the first battle fought entirely by planes based on aircraft carriers. It caused the Japanese to call off their attack on New Guinea.
  • Womens Army Corps (WAC)

    Womens Army Corps (WAC)
    Established by Nourse Rodgers, it provided workers, truck drivers, instructors and more for the United States army. Over 150,000 women volunteered for the job. The reason for this is because they needed as much men as possible to be in the military but they couldn't get the resources that they need and the nursing they need while in the Military.