Purchase of Alaska
Purchase of Alaska
The United States purchased Alaska in 1867. We bought Alaska because it was rich in natural reasorces like oil, timber, and minerals. Alaska didn't become a state until 1959, the result of this purchase was that we got new land, with plenty of natural reasorces. -
Yellow Journalism
Yellow Journalism was started in the 1890s, it was writen to stir up problems, and sell news papers. William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer were the authors who were famous for Yelloow Journalism. Both authors were based in New York and they changed the way papers were writen by sensualizing the stories and increasing the cartoons. They used the media to chance peoples opinions on political matters like the Cuban War. -
Yellow Journalism
Since there was so much competition between the papers, editors dramatized the storys to sell more papers. Many historians believe the Hearst imparticulary had a big hand in the Cuban and Spanish-Amerian war, he saw an opportuinty to increase paper sales if the war went through. He was the first newspaper to station a team of reporters in Cuba to monitor the events happening there. -
Teddy Roosevelt & the Rough Riders
Takeover in Hawaii
January 17, 1893 is when the United states first engaged hawii and there monarchy went down. Queen Lili`uokalani yeilded her throne under protest in the hope that the US government would right the wrong the hawiian people had done to her. The US had many reasons for wanting control of hawii because it was a perfect place for a navel base, spreding religion, the Manifest Destiny, and trading opportunities. Since Hawii is in the middle of the US and Asia, so it was a perfect for trade. -
Boxer Rebellion
The Boxer Rebelion begian in 1898, it was groups of peasants in northern China that began to band together into a secret society known as Righteous and Harmonious Fists, they were called the "Boxers" by Western press. Members of this secret society practiced boxing and calisthenic rituals, they believed this would make them invinsible to bullets. -
The Spanish American War
The Spanish-American War started in 1895 and ended on April 16, 1898. The United States thought they needed to spread there culture to other countries. We sent the USS Main to have a presence in Spain, It was blown up and had a Spanish bomb inside. The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898. Spain lost all power of Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Phillippenis, and Guam. -
America Claims Guam, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico
The Spanish-American War of 1898 ended Spain’s empire in the Western areas and made the United States known as a Pacific power. U.S. victory in the war made a peace treaty that pushed the Spanish to stop claims on Cuba, and to release their control over Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to the United States. The United States also annexed the independent state of Hawaii during the conflict. -
Teddy Roosevelt & the Rough Riders
Before becoming President Theodore Roosevelt was the Assistant Secretary of the Navy. He quite in 1898 to organize the Rough Riders, which was the first voluntary army in the Spanish-American War. The U.S. was fighting against Spain over Spain's control over Cuba. Roosevelt recruited a diverse group of cowboys, miners, law enforcement officials, and Native Americans to join the Rough Riders. -
America gets involved with: Panama
The United States wanted control of the canal because without it we had to travel around South America to trade. For econimical reasons we built the canal so we could control ships movements, as well as our own. -
Open Door Policy in China
The Open Door policy, was a statement of principles initiated by the United States. It was made for the protection of equal privileges among countries that were trading with China. The statement was made in the form of circular notes given by the U.S. Secretary of State, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, and Russia. The Open Door policy was received with almost universal approval in the United States, and for more than 40 years it was the begining of the American foreign policy. -
Open Door Policy in China
Boxers Rebelion
Bands of Boxers were massacring Christian missionaries and Chinese Christians. In May 1900 the Boxer Rebellion had come out of the countryside. To help their allies and protect their interests with China in tact, an international force of 2,100 American, British, Russian, French, Italian, and Japanese soldiers were sent to stop the rebellion. The Boxer Rebellion weakened the Ch'ing dynasty's power and pushed the Republican Revolution of 1911 that overthrew the boy emperor. -
America gets involved with: Nicaragua
The first armed intervention by the US in Nicaragua happened under President Taft. In 1909, he ordered the overthrow of the Nicaraguan President José Santos Zelaya. In August and September 1912, a squad of 2300 U.S. Marines landed at the port of Corinto and the railway line to Granada. A pro-U.S. government was formed under the occupation. The 1914 Bryan-Chamorro Treaty granted perpetual canal rights to the U.S. in Nicaragua and was signed ten days before the US had control of the Panama Canal. -
The Mexican Revolution
The Mexican Revolution was from 1910 to 1920, The United States got involved because of economic and political interests. For most of Mexico's history, it had a small minority of the people control most of the country's power and wealth, while the majority of the population worked in poverty. As the poor and rich grew under the leadership of General Diaz, the political voice of the lower classes was also declining. Opposition of Diaz did surface. -
The Mexican Revolution
Francisco I. Madero, who was educated in Europe and then at the University of California. He led a series of strikes throughout the country. He became presedent for a short time but was denounced by Emiliano Zapata, who then became president. Eventually, Venustiano Carranza became the president, and organized an important convention whose outcome was the Constitution of 1917. It is still in effect today Carranza made land reform an important part of that constitution.