Purchase of Alaska
Many Americans wanted Alaska because they believed that it what essential for their economy. There were several americans that were already visiting Alaska often. Another reason that Americans wanted Alaska was because it was know for its resourceful shores. -
Purchase of Alaska
The Purchas of alaska resulted in the dissovery of massive amounts of gold in the 188o's to the 1890's. Another result of the purchase of Alaska was that it increased the size of the US by 20%. -
Takeover in Hawaii
American missionaries that had been visiting hawaii for a long time had infuenced the Hawaiin culture politically, religously, economically. -
Takeover in Hawaii
Many Americans went to Hawaii to exploit their sandal wood during the 18th century. Americans also knew that Hawaii would be an ideal place for a naval base (Pearl Harbor). For these reasons Hawaii was an essential addition to the US. -
Yellow Journalism
Yellow Journalism was the coverage of world events that was often excagerated in order to satisfy the public that began in the late 19th century. These articals caused conflict because what the jouranlists were saying was not true. -
Yellow Journalism
Yellow journalism never truely died out. Journalism today is still influenced by it because journalists believe it is necessary to grab the public intrest. -
The Spanish American War
In The Spanish American War the US wanted to get rid of Spains power in the West. The US also believed that doing this was essantial for the economy because they could gain Spains lost land. -
The spanish American War
The Spanish American War resulted in the annexation of Hawaii. The US also established dominance in the Carribean. It also ended Spains power in the West. -
Anti Imperialist League
The Anti-Imperialist League was a group of notable men such as Andrew Carnegie and others that did not approve of American expansion to Cuba, The Philippines, and Puerto Rico. -
Anti Imperialist League
Later Puerto Rico and The Philippines became American colonies. Afterwards the people of the Philippines were surrpressed and revolted. -
Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders
Teddy Roosevelt resigned from office in order to form the Rough Riders in 1898. His was the first voluntary cavalry in the Spanish American War. -
Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders
Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders charged San Juan Hill and just weeks later the war ended. Teddy and his cavalry were a a a very important part of the war and had a huge part in the victory. -
America claims Guam, the Philippines, Puerto Rico
America wanted to take these territories from Spain. Later there were rumors that Spain sunk the USS Maine. As a result the US requested that Spain Surrender Cuba. -
America Claims Guam, The Philipines, and Puerto Rico
As a result the treaty of Paris was signed, giving the US Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. The loss of these territories led to the collapse of the Spanish empire. -
The Open Door Policy in China
the main reason for this was that growth of the US economy depended on exports. Another reason was that the US had the right to intervien abroad to keep foreign markets open. -
Open Door Policy in China
The Open Door Policy in China resulted in the Boxer Rebellion -
Roosevelt's Big Stick Diplomacy
this resolved the conflict between Germany and Venezuela and helped Santo Domingo get out of debt. It also resulted in the conflict between Russia and Japan being resolved. -
Roosevelts Big Stick Diplomacy
Roosevelt intended to only threaten force rather than actually take action. By doing this he could be prepared for action. -
The Boxer Rebellion.
Th effect of the Boxer Reballion was a revoluton against the Chinese. -
The Boxer Rebellion
The reason for the Boxer Reballion was the intrusion of westerners and their christian missionaries and the weakness of the Qing Dinasty. -
America gets involved with: Venezuela, Nicaragua, Panama
The reason the US got involved was that America feared the spread of communism and in some cases these countries overthrew democratic governments. -
America gets involved with: Venezuela, Nicaragua, Panama
The result in getting the Panama Canal was easier shipping of goods, along with the use of less recources. Venezuala, provided a basis for the expansion of US interventionism in the western hemisphere. Getting involvded with Nicaragua caused considerable nationalist concern. -
The Mexican Revolution
Tremendous dissagreement among the mexican people over the dictatorship of president Porfirio Diaz. The effect of the Mexican Revolution was the creation of th anti-reeleccionista party, so there were no more dictators.
P.S. For whatever reason TimeToast would not let me split this entry into two. -
America Claims Neutrality at the start of WWI
Although America claimed nuetrality in 1914 it later resulted in the US joining the war just 3 years later. -
America Claims Nuetrality at the start of WWI
The reson for thsi was that Americans wanted peace and President Wilson wanted to be "impartial in though as well as in action." -
American Joins WWI
American troop landed in France on June 26, 1915. Later with with the help of allies and the fact that they were very well supplied, the US was able to turn the war around and win on Nov 11, 1918. -
America Joins WWI
The US was not involved in the war until Germany sank the Lusitania along with 4 more ships. Then on April 6, 1917 the US declared war on Germany. -
Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points
This document stressed self determination, of peoples free trade and also stressed apon diplomacy. -
Woodrow Wilson's 14 points
Wilson's 14 points ultimately set the stage for WWII. Later it became the League of Nationsgoal, which was to guarantee "political independece and territorial integrity of small states and countries alike"