
  • Roanoke

    John White founded the colony and had to leave to get supplies. His travels back to the colony were delayed because the Armada. When he came back the people in the colony had vanished and the word "Croatoan" was carved into the tree. It is still a mystery today what happened to the original colonists.
  • Jamestown

    The Virginia Company established a colony along the Virginian coast. The first winter took a toll on the first group of colonists. only 38 of the 150 survived. John smith came to the rescue and made the people work.
  • Salutary Neglect

    Salutary Neglect
    Salutary Neglect was a British policy that allowed colonists to violate laws dealing with trade. The policy boosted the profits from trading for the colonists. The British put this into effect so the people would stay loyal to England. They did end up reversing the policy to raise taxes on the colonists to help cover the costs of the French Indian War.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    the first legislative assembly in the American colonies. there were 22 burgesses representing 11 plantations. The burgesses were elected representatives
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    20,000 English men, women, and children came to the Americas and settled there. Most of the settlers came to Massachusetts and Barbados for over 2 decades.
  • Mayflower, Plymouth and Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower, Plymouth and Mayflower Compact
    The mayflower set sail from Plymouth, England and carried 100 Puritans. Many of the passengers got seasick because they set sail during the storm season. The ship landed at Plymouth when they were supposed to land at Cape Cod. The mayflower compact promised to create a “civil Body Politick” governed by elected officials and “just and equal laws.” It also swore allegiance to the English king.
  • New York

    New York
    New York was the first Dutch middle colony discovered by Henry Hudson. The Dutch first named it New Netherlands. Land holders were given large amounts of land to rent out to farmers. The English took over the colony and named it New York after the Duke of York.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    1,000 English Puritan refugees settled the present day Massachusetts area under Gov. John Withrop. The colony was settled between the Charles and Merrimack rivers. The colonies government was lead by church members.
  • Maryland Colony

    Maryland Colony
    The southern colony Maryland was founded by Lord Baltimore and supporters. The colonists in Maryland mostly grew tobacco as their major export. They mostly populated around the waterways including Chesapeake Bay. The colonists worked agriculture, shipbuilding, iron works and other manufacturing.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Rhode Island was founded in 1635 by Roger Williams who paid the Native Americans for the land. There was a lot of red clay in the area. The English colony was founded on separation between church and state.
  • Connecticut

    The Dutch first established a trading post in Connecticut. It was first settled by Thomas Hooker. People who came to Connecticut were travelling from Massachusetts when it became too populated. It became mostly populated with Englishmen.
  • Maryland Toleration Act

    Maryland Toleration Act
    Shortly after Maryland was founded key members of the Calvert royal family died. The puritans took over the colony and arrested some Catholic priests and leaders. Later the Calvert family members that were still alive took back control and they created a law that granted religious freedoms to all Christians living in Maryland.
  • Carolina

    The southern colony Carolina was settled by supporters of King Charles II. The people settled there to farm indigo and tobacco. Slaves were a big part of the economy and at one point there were more slaves that settlers in Carolina
  • Bacon's rebellion

    Bacon's rebellion
    Nathaniel Bacon did not like the governor Berkeley and his rules involving the Native Americans. Nathaniel plotted against the natives and gathered a group to revolt against the Burgesses until he got what he wanted. 8 colonists were killed.
  • Pennsylvania

    The middle colony Pennsylvania was settled by William Penn who was granted a charter by King Charles II. William Penn established Pennsylvania as a Holy Experiment. Every man was given 50 acres and the right to vote. Penn became a Quaker so the colony quickly became heavily populated with Quakers.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    Some young women claimed to be possessed by the devil. The leaders of the Massachusetts colony accused women of being witches. The women were put on trial. 20 men and women were killed because of the trials like hanging. 7 others died in prison
  • Great Awakening/Enlightenment

    Great Awakening/Enlightenment
    The Great Awakening was a religious revival in the English colonies between the 1730s through the 1740s. One of the main activists for this was minister Jonathon Edwards who converted many colonists. A British minister, George Whitefield came to the Americas to preach and traveled the coast. The main message of the Awakening was that all people were born sinners and can be saved by seeking God's forgiveness.
  • French Indian War

    French Indian War
    The war took place in North America and was fought between France and Great Britain. The war is referred to as the seven years of war. General Baddock lead the English, their naval strength led to their victory. The French teamed up with the Indians hence the name of the war. The war ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. Britain gained control over everything east of the Mississippi River.
  • Albany Plan

    Albany Plan
    The Albany Plan was to set the English colonies under a more centralized government. it was the first plan to put the colonies under one government. The plan was never actually carried out.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The proclamation prohibited colonists from moving westward of an imaginary line running down the Appalachian Mountains. This took place shortly after the French Indian War. It was an attempt to let Natives keep and preserve their lands from the colonists. The colonists had a negative view of this and simply ignored it at times.