America 1900-1920

  • Andrew Carnegie sells Carnegie Steel to U.S. Steel

    Sell forms the largest company in the world
  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes 26th president

  • First Successful Powered Flight Takes Place

    The two Wright brothers test their flying contraption at 10:35 in the morning. The less than $1,000 craft distanced 37 meters in 12 seconds during the first successful flight.
  • Roosevelt Adds a Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

    Roosevelt Corollary reaffirms and expands Monroe Doctrine by proclaiming that the U.S. had the right to intervene in any Latin American nation with fiscal deficiencies or administrative upheavals.
  • Theodore Roosevelt's 2nd Inauguration as 26th President

  • The Jungle is Published by Upton Sinclair

    Novel exposes unhealthy working conditions in Chicago's meatpacking industry.
  • "Gentleman's Agreement" is Decided

    Japan would no longer issue passports for workers going to the United States.
  • "The Great White Fleet" Sails Around the World

    American navy displays sixteen battleships on a trip around the world.
  • Henry Ford begins mass production the Model T

  • William Taft Becomes 27th President

  • Mexican Revolution Begins

    After peasants and workers started protests, the Mexican government led by Porfirio Diaz was overthrown by Francisco Madero and hundreds of thousands Mexican citizens flee to the U.S.
  • Fire at Triangle Shirtwaist Factory

    Fire kills immigrant female workers after doors were locked by managers and the fire ladder collapsed.
  • 16th Amendment Ratified

    Income tax Is established.
  • Woodrow Wilson Becomes 28th President

  • Henry Ford Develops the Assembly Line

  • The Federal Reserve is Created

    New system allowed for a centralized control over the nation's credit and currency
  • The Tampico Affair Happens

    Unrest in Mexico leads to United States
    involvement after U.S. soldiers were detained by Mexican army.
  • Austrian-Hungarian Heirs are Assassinated

    Archduke Ferdinand and his wife are murdered by Serbians which in turn sparks WWI.
  • Panama Canal Opens

    Canal provides a short path between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans which saved thousands of nautical miles.
  • The Federal Trade Commission is Established

    Commission attempted to prevent monopolies and unfair business practices.
  • Clayton Antitrust Act is Passed

    By closing loopholes in the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, the decisions of large companies are regulated more closely .
  • The Lusitania is Sunk

    British liner with over one hundred American onboard was struck by German torpedoes and sunk.
  • Pancho Villa is Pursued by American troops

    After killing seventeen Americans and burning the town center, Pancho Villa is pursued by thousands of troops.
  • Naval Act is Passed

    Largest expansion of the is approved.
  • Germany Resumes Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

  • The Zimmerman Telegram is Intercepted

    Germany's foreign minister sends secret telegram to Mexican counterpart to offer restoration of territories lost to the U.S. if Mexico will attack America.
  • America Joins World War I

  • Woodrow Wilson's 2nd Inaugurarion

  • Selective Service Act is Passed

    All men ages 21 through 30 are required to register for the draft.
  • The Espionage Act is Passed

    Anyone speaking against the U.S. government would be fined and imprisoned.
  • Bolshevik's Rebel In Russia

    Vladimir Lenin lead Bolsheviks to overthrow provisional Russian government.
  • Spanish Flu Strikes

  • President Wilson States His 14 Points

    The Fourteen Points was designed to eliminate secret agreements, open the sea trade, reduce arms, and establish the League of Nations to help prevent future world wars through negotiations.
  • Sedition Act is Passed

    Protesters could not publicly resist war. Any violation would result in imprisonment.
  • "Red Summer"

    Riots happen across America as a result of racial tension with returning military servicemen.
  • 18 Amendment Ratified

    Alcoholic beverages are banned from being manufactured, transported, or sold.
  • Treaty of Versailles is Signed

    Treaty marked the official end to WWI.
  • 19th Amendment Ratified

    Women allowed to vote.