Captain Christopher Newport reach Cape Henry Virginia
Jamestown became the first English settlement in the United States -
Henry Hudson
Hired by the Dutch to find a path to India. He did not find one. He founded New York. -
Samuel Champlain
Discovers Lake Champlain and claims Vermont for France -
John Rolfe
Rolfe brings sweet tobacco to the colony and it becomes Jamestown's major export. -
Kills 90% of Native Americans in Massachusetts Bay area -
House of Burgesses
The first representative assembly in America -
African slaves
The first are brought to America from the Dutch -
Plymouth Rock
The Puritans land at Plymouth Rock -
Founded 1620 -
Period: to
Powhatan War
Continuous struggle between the Powhatan Indian confederacy and early English settlers -
New Hampshire
Founded by Captain John Mason -
Dutch and New Amsterdam
Built New Amsterdam and renamed it New York -
Manhattan Island purchase
Manhattan Island bought for $24 from the Man-a-hat-a Indians for the Dutch -
Maryland Founded
Maryland is founded as a Catholic colony -
Founded by Thomas Hooker -
Rhode Island
Roger Williams establishes RI after being banished from Massachusetts Bay -
Founded 1638 -
Body of Liabilities
General laws considered to be the precursor to the Massachusetts Constitution -
Period: to
Puritan Revolution
Navigation Act of 1651
Navigation Act of 1660
Passed by British Parliament to control colonial commerce in the New World. -
Staple Act of 1660
All goods must go to England before it goes to the colonies -
Carolina is founded, later split into two territories -
Treaty of Albany
New Jersey
New York
Plantation Duty Act of 1673
Taxed good sent from one colony to another -
King Phillips War
Bacon's Rebellion
Founded by William Penn -
Monmouth's Rebellion
Glorious Revolution
Glorious Revolution
Period: to
King William's War
Salem Witch Trials
Navigation Act of 1696
Created an Admiralty court, where the Judges were from England -
250,000 settlers in English colonies