Amelia Earharts life

By liamg10
  • Mom is married

    Amelias mom is married to Edwin
  • Amelia is born

    Amelia is born
    Amelia Eaarhart is born in Kansas
  • School

    Amelia begins at the Ogontz School
  • Nurse

    Amelia becomes a nurse aid
  • first flight

    first flight
    Neta Snook gives Amelia her first flying lesson
  • Crash!

    Amelia crashes in a cabbage patch
  • Record!!

    Amelia sets an altitude record for women of 14,000ft
  • License

    Amelia recives her flying licence
  • Atlantic

    Amelia and a crew take off on the Frendship flight across the Atlantic
  • Time to read!!

    Time to read!!
    Amelia publishes her book. It was called 20hours and 40minutes
  • Job

    Amelia is hired by Transcontinental Air Transport
  • Cross country racing

    Cross country racing
    Amelia enters womens cross country Air Race
  • Marrage

    Amelia marries G.P.Putman.
  • Transalantic flight

    Transalantic flight
    Amelia becomes the first woman to make a solo translantic flight
  • Flying is fun

    Flying is fun
    Amelia makes a solo flight from Honolulu, Hawaii to oakland, California
  • Another job

    Another job
    Amelia takes a job at Purdue University
  • If you fail once try try again

    If you fail once try try again
    Amelia makes her first attempt at flying all the way around the world
  • Tragety

    Amelia flys her final flight. she and her navigator die. We do not know for sure what happened to amelia but we definetly will remeber her