Period: to
1945 to 1960
• Harry Truman becomes the first president to address the nation on TV from the White House.
He asked people to not eat poultry and eggs on Thursdays. He also asked them to no eat meat on Tuesdays to help stockpile grain for starving people in Europe. It was to make an abundance for an emergancy foot supply for Europeans. -
• Transistor is invented, spurring growth in computers and electronics.
It was about as long as 50 yeards of a football field. It had 500 miles of writing.The machine was slow and inflexible but it could perform basic arithmetic. -
• President Eisenhower and Congress add the words “Under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance.
In response to the Communist threat of the times, President Eisenhower encouraged Congress to add the words "under God," creating the 31-word pledge we say today. The Congress formally adopted it in 1942. The Pledge has been modified four times since its composition, with the most recent change adding the words "under God" in 1954. -
• Polio vaccine announced to the world by Dr. Jonas Salk and Dr. Thomas Francis.
Dr. Thomas Francis Jr., director of the Poliomyelitis Vaccine Evaluation Center at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, announced to the world that the Salk polio vaccine was up to 90% effective in preventing paralytic polio. He made the announcement to a crowd of scientists and reporters at the University of Michigan's Rackham Auditorium. He did this at the end of his two-year national field trials of the poliomyelitis vaccine developed by his former student, Jonas Salk. -
• The first nuclear power plant in the U.S. goes online at Shippingport, Pa.
The first nuclear power plant was along the Ohio River. It was under President Dwight D. Eisenhower's "Atoms for Peace" program. It was devoted exclusively to peacetime uses. -
• NASA is established.
The driving force, of course, was the launch of Sputnik on Oct. 4, 1957, followed by its even weightier successors. They didnt know if they should make a new agency or make it apart of one that already existed. Alot of thinking went into what to do about a space prgram.