Ambassador Program

  • Token Generation Event (TGE)

    Token is public and distributed. Orion portal is launched allowing two personas access to the portal:
    • Developers
    • Community
    While focusing on capturing developer partner interest.
  • Consortia Membership(s)

    Lock down at least two consortiums to be a part of. The runners are Trusted IOT alliance and Mobi (Automotive). Let's have this locked down by Test Net.
  • Test Net Release

    Launch of the test net at Tech Crunch in Switzerland. Developer docs will have been distributed weeks earlier
  • Ambassador Program Announcement

    Release announcement of our Ambassador Program.
    - Site examples to existing developers
    - provide pitch deck for ambassador program
    - provide sign up for interest
    - Establish certification date (first webinar for August 6th)
  • Ambassador Awareness Webinar (1st)

    This is meant to invite the community to learn more about the application process to become an ambassador. This will also discuss the certification program.
  • Testing Nodes and Partners

    Seed initial Sandboxing environments
  • Cohort 1 Ambassador Certification

    Applicants that were accepted will go through the first Certification program:
    - Articulate Constellation's Technology
    - How we are different
    - Culture overview
    - Collaboration and Communication
  • Certified Ambassador Meeting 1

    A chance to connect with those accepted and hear updates from the field and hear about Constellation's updates
  • Begin Applications for Cohort 2

    Openings for Cohort 2 Applications to commence
  • Consortia Membership(s)

  • 2nd Ambassador Cohort 1 Meeting and Update

    2nd Ambassador Meeting and Update
  • Certification for Ambassador Cohort 2

    Cohort 2 Certification
  • HOLIDAY - Thanksgiving

  • App Marketplace

  • Ambassador Webinar (Cohort 1 and 2) - 1st meeting for Cohort 2

    This is the first meeting and update for Cohort 2 and the third meeting for Cohort 1.
  • HOLIDAY - Christmas

  • Open Application for Ambassador Cohort 3

  • Ambassador Conference Announcement

  • Certification for Ambassador Cohort 3

  • Ambassador Conference/Meetup

    Invite all Cohorts for 2 day conference
  • Main Net Release

    Consensus, Reputation, Gossip, infrastructure for scale