Period: to
Early Rainforest
In this time of the earth, the Amazon rainforest was in the healthiest form it will ever be in after this time as this time the industrial revolution had truly started and was lifting off as more and more countries and individuals will be utilizing the help of fossil fuels as well as wood to complete their day to day tasks -
Beginning of the reduction of the rainforest
During this time, around 8% of the trees of the forests have been cut off as the timber is going to be utilized for the creation of paper and other utilities to meet up with global demands this is also the time you will see that the number of trees present in the Amazon rainforest will begin to reduce -
Further reduction of the forest
During this time of the life of the Amazon rainforest, the amount of deforestation that has occurred has resulted in 12% of the rainforest being wiped out due to increasing demands and to now make way for cattle farmers to keep up with the global demand of food and other necessities. 12% might seem like a highly lower term but when it comes to actual numbers, currently there are about 400 billion trees present in the amazon rainforest versus the 403 billion present in the 1980's. -
Predicted continuation of reduction of Rainforest tree population
During this time, the Amazon rainforest would have been reduced by around 17% of its trees and the numbers will start escalating faster than ever and as the rate increases, species of animals that still have not even been discovered will begin to start becoming endangered and will go closer inch by inch to becoming extinct as their natural habitats will being to be cut down and their chances of survival will become very slim due to this fact. -
Fastes rate of deforestation yet
At this time, almost 20% of the forest would have been cut off and a lot more will be set to be cut, at this point there will possibly be factories present in the outskirts of the rainforest as the timber will be utilized to create necessities for the growing population and at this point around 1 million different species of plants and animals will be extinct causing a massive change in the food-chain and this will result in the end of the tribes present deep inside the rainforest. -
Biggest change till now
At this time the predicted time of peak oil has already been reached and there is a sort of global panic when I comes to fuel and combustion and finding a major power-source that can completely replace at this point the amazon rainforest has lost a majourly surprising 24% of its trees and at this point around 40 percent of its animal and plant population is dangerously past endangerment and close to enxitction it is too late to do anyting now. -
The End of the amazon rainforest
At this moment in the time-line any change that can be made will not be enough as not only has the Amazon rainforest lost more than 30% of its trees and more are beginning to be cut down but more than 50% of its population when it comes to plants and animals have become extinct even before they have been discovered and the world is still at state a panic due to peak oil already being reached around a decade ago and nothing can be done to preserve this beautiful earth for the future generations.