amarican chilers attack of andouds

  • Oct 12, 1011

    joe thinks his teacher is a robot

    after school joe was waking out of class with his friend . wen he exet the school he forgot his he whent back to the classroom and opend the door and herd a robot sound in the corner of the room he looked and saw the teacher taking in her watch joe close the door and open it back up so it seam that I wasint lisining I open the door and said I forgot my pensle.she just staird at me,i graded my pencle and left. ricsing acthion
  • Oct 13, 1011

    joe tells his friends

    .when I got to the school i rushed to my frirends james and kate.after I told them that the teacher was a rodot they looked at and they both starded to laugh and said "you should go apolijise to the teacher" they grabed my rist and pulled my when we got to the class the teacher was sitting next to her desk she says "how may i help you". kate said "Joe thinks you are a robot"Mis.rose said their is no nead for name caling so i apoligis, exposition
  • Oct 15, 1011

    Joe spy on her teacher

    after school I was plaining to go to my home room to see if my teacher was talking in that wheard voice,so I stayed an i opend the door and I was right she was talking in her watch in that weard voce .chang of plains i will falow her to her houce. after a bit she was heading home i folowed her.finily she reached the houce i went in the bak yard into the goroge and found a chack bord with english that said goul to steal the earths water. afther a min in shok i whent home.. riceing acthon
  • Oct 17, 1011

    Joe spy on his teacher again

    after school that day I fallowed her home when she got their she unlocked the door and went in.I sprinted to the bushes and hid in them i crawled to the nearest open window to here her taking in that voce after about 4 min she stopped talking then I heard mister Joe what are you doing here,then she said "come over hear.I did she said why are you spying on me I replied i herd you taking like a robot.that's nonsense i am not an android and joe go home so i did. rising action.
  • Oct 18, 1011

    Joe tells james

    the folowing day joe went to school ad told joe what happend he siged and said " i still dont beleave you".then a thought came to mine what if i get a camira and put it in my desk i can get evidence.calm acsion
  • Oct 19, 1011

    joe looksat the camera

    i woak up early to look for a camira in the bacement when i found it it had no batiories i went up stairs and took the batiories from the top of the frige.When i got to school i told james that i got the camira.before the finel bell i snuck thr camta in my besc and went home. rising action.
  • Oct 20, 1011

    joe waches the video

    the next day after school james and i went to the schools play ground and i took out the camira and played the video at first we herd nuthing them the camera fell in the desk so wehad to licen then i herd that strang voce."i told you." james just staired at me.riseng achon
  • Oct 21, 1011

    kate was kid naped

    when i got to school i notice that kate wasint their.after school i went to kates house i nocked at thr frunt door no responce then out of the corner of my eye i saw a note that said i was captered by androuds i was in shoked i ran to james house and told him he said we will look for her tomarrow.rising ashon
  • Oct 22, 1011

    joe and james are on an alion planite

    after we found the spaceship i asct james "mabe the alions took kate to their plante". we looked around for a buten then james found one he preast it and the door of the ship open we got in the spaship and sat down the ship thend on and ther was a gps and it said go to planit 430 we hit it the ship starded to flout and light spead. after we got out of light spead we landed on the plante and got of.
  • Oct 22, 1011

    joe and james find a space ship

    lucly it was a and james meat up at the school play ground we wasted no time we starded looking in th nahberhood then we meat up and said if i kid nap some one it would be in the desert part we walked their and when we got their.their was anbanded shack we went twords it and saw a small car and a lot of boxes i went twordas the car and i rubed it then the car chanfed into a spaship my jaw was open wide.risng acshon