

  • Cable Service Provider

    Cable Service Provider
    [Data Protection](
    This webiste contains the facts about how the cable company must provide a written notice of privacy practices to each customer. The notice must imply how the subscriber may have acess to his or hers information.
  • Period: to

    Privacy and the law

  • Tecnology and Democracy

    Tecnology and Democracy
    This event is about the FTC that surveyed more than a thousand websites and sampled about 670. Overall they discovered that 90% are collecting personal information. There was also personal data that was collected of the 10%. Most had collected their names and or their email adress.
  • Childs Safety

    Childs Safety
    Childs Protection
    This topic is about collecting data information from children under 13. Little do some sites ask from permission from parents and collect personal information whith out knowing.
  • Pupblic Safety

    Pupblic Safety
    This topic talks about the Federal Trade Commission that is engaging in initiatives designed to promote "fair information practice principles" in the online resources. In this case they are searching protections for individual privacy during private sector activities.
  • California Code

    California Code
  • Bill of Rights: Obama

    Bill of Rights: Obama