1st Mission of California
It was discovered/founded by Junipero Serra. The Padre Jayne became California's martyr priest when he was slain in the indian rebellion that resulted in the destruction of original mission, so the mission was moved five and half miles east to its present site and rebuilt in 1776. -
Gaspar de Portola
He's death was a mystery, the only thing that we know is the year of his death. In January 1770 he went to San Francisco Bay before returning to San Diego. He discovered tar pits in Los Angeles. -
2nd Mission
The second mission was founded by Junipero Serra. The mission's name is Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo. It was named for Saint Charles Borromeo of Arona, Italy. It was also named a river called Carmelo that flows near by. -
3rd Mission
The 3rd mission was founded by Saint Anthony of Padua. It was restored in 1904 and after in an earthquake, in 1949. Some of the parts remain of the original. For an example the walls, unique facade of the church, and few arches. -
4th Missions
It was founded by Father Pedro Cambon and Father Angel Somera. It was damage by an earthqauke of 1820 and repaired in 1828. It was also damaged by earthquake in 1987 and 1994 retrofitted and repaired. -
5th Mission
This mission was found by Junipero Serra. This was the first California missions covered by a red roof which was made by Indians. Spanish discovered bears for meals is an excellent meal choice. Spanish soldiers killed many of bears for jerky meat and supplied two other missions with the meat.The mission was restored in 1934. -
6th mission
There is a nick name to the church of this 6th mission. It is Dolares. Fray Francisco Palou found this mission. This is the oldest mission in San Franicisco in the heart of San Francisco. The mission is built with adobe brick and wood. This mission survived the great San Francisco fire and earthquake. -
7th mission
Found by Junipero Serra. Named for Saint John of Capistran, Italy. Seventh in the California chain of missions. It was destroyed
by an earthquake in 1812. It was rebuilt in 1813. Father Serra officiated this mission. -
8th mission
Found by Junipero Serra. This mission is number 8 in the chain of 21 Alta California Missions. -
Juan Crespi
A spanish priest who joined Gaspar de Portola Recorded details of the expedition's voyage in a diary that was later published. He died in January 1, 1782. -
Junipero Serra
A spanish priest who found the first mission in Atla California. Worked to convert the Indians in Atla California to Christianity and to show them the European ways. He died in August 28 1784. He found many missions in the 17's -
11th Missions
The 11th mission was founded by Father Fermin Lasuen. The original was damaged by an earthquake in 1812 and rebuilt five in a different location. It was restored in 1930's. It is now a California State Historic Park. -
King Carlos III
King Carlos III was the king of Spain. He feared that the Russains were migrating and might take control in Alta California. -
12th Mission
It was founded by Father Fermin Lasuen in August 28, 1791. The name of the mission is Santa Cruz. It was named the Holy Cross. It's nick name was "Hard Luck" mission.The rogues ransacked the church's treasure and burned the Mission down. Early records show that the padres in this Mission had the lowest life expectancy of the Alta California -
13th Mission
The mission was founded in October 9, 1791 by Father Fermin Lasuen. The nick name for this mission is "Lonely Mission." It was named for Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ. The smallest mission of the 21th mission is the 13th mission. It was abandoned in 1835. -
14th Mission
The 14th mission of California was found by Fray Fermin Francisco de Lasuen in June 11,1797. The mission was name after Jesus Christ's step father, Saint Joseph. The 14th Mission is the second largest mission of the Atla California Mission Chain. It was destroyed by an earthquake in 1868. It was restored in 1916 and 1950. -
15th Mission
This mission was the largest in the 21st Alta California chain. This mission was damaged by a 1906 earthquake. It was restored in 1949-1950. They made the walls for the mission four feet thick. It took the Indaians 15 years to build. -
16th Mission
The 16th mission in the 21st Alta California chain was founded by Father Fermin Lasuen. It is named Arcangel after the Prince of Celestial Militia named Archangel Saint Micheal. They put the San Miguel part because it is located in the town San Miguel. -
17th Missoin
The nick name for this mission is "Missoin of the Valley". The mission was named after King Ferdinad III he is the King of Spain. This mission was damaged in 1812 earthquake. It was resorted over the years. Restoration lasted until 1930. The Sylmar earthquake 1971 damaged the mission and it was built again in 1974. -
18th Mission
The 18th mission is the last mission founded in the eighteenth century. It was known as the grandest and richest missions. This mission is located 50 miles from San Diego. -
19th Mission
Founded by Fray Esteban Tapis. Named for Saint Agnes of Rome. Extensively restored 1904-1924 -
20th Mission
The 20th mission was founded by Fray Vincente Francisco de Sarria in December 14, 1817. This Mission soon disappeared after it was built. A replica was later built on the same site in 1949. -
21st Mission
Founded in July 4,1823. Named for Saint Francis Solanus. This mission is the 21st in the 21 Alta California chain of missions and the most northerly in the chain. The building was replaced with a larger building in 1827, torn down in 1838. Rebuilt in 1840, restored in 1911-1913. -
Archbishop Fonte
Archbishop Fonte was born on March 13,1777 in Spain. He died at age 62. He threw a bottle with a note in it in the sea on June 10,1818. The bottle was about a note about the 22nd mission in Alta California.