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Alpacas: Animals then and Now

By 901238x
  • 6000 BCE


    The alpaca was selectively breeded 6000 years ago
  • 6000 BCE


    The andeans which lived in the Andes created the alpaca by using a mix of wild vicuñas and guanaco.
  • 6000 BCE


    The Andeans were the first to domesticate these animals and figure out there uses.
  • 6000 BCE


    The Alpaca started to adapt in its environment. There was very little vegetation which caused them to eat grasses half way which allowed it to grow fast. And there padded feet didn’t destroy the vegetation
  • 6000 BCE

    Conquering Andeans

    Conquering Andeans
    The Incas conquered the small villages throughout the Andes and took many goods including the Alpaca.
  • 6000 BCE

    Incas and Alpacas

    Incas and Alpacas
    They found alpacas and became their most valuable domestic animal the Inca cherished it’s wool and royalty were the only ones to wear it sign of social status
  • 6000 BCE


    They were fully domesticated at the hands of the Inca
  • 6000 BCE

    Religious rituals

    Religious rituals
    The Alpacas were so appreciated that the Incas would use them as sacrifices to there gods like the sun god.
  • 2000 BCE


    Now days they are used for there wool, as pets, and show animals.
  • 1527 BCE

    Inca conquest

    Inca conquest
    The Spaniards came to South America and brought there diseases along with them which brought down the empire a ton. The working class was getting sick which brought the rising economy down . In 1527 the emperor died which triggered a civil war between brothers on who would rule.
  • 1527 BCE

    Spanish Conquest

    Spanish Conquest
    The Spanish noticed this and took control and wealth of the Inca Empire but left behind and almost completely annihilated Alpacas.
  • Uses

    They started to be recognized for their wool that was not just beautiful but water, fire resistant,and hypo allergic.
  • Alpacas in USA

    Alpacas in USA
    Many years later in 1984 alpacas were transported to the USA this was not the 1st time they were in the US . There were many wild versions that roamed the USA in early times.