Maggie Rose & Michael Goldberg are kidnapped
Maggie Rose the daughter of a famous movie star and Michael Goldberg the son of the Secratary of the Treasury. Their kidnapper is their math teacher, Gary Soneji. -
Alex Cross is put on the case
Alex Cross is the Deputy Chief of Detectives. At first he does not want to be put on the case because he is working on a case that involves the murders of 3 black people and he does not want them to be forgotten about, he often thinks of the little boy who was killed. Alex soon gets very involved with the kidnappings. -
Michael Goldberg's body is found
Soneji did not know that Michael had a breathing disorder and Michael died. Soneji drops the boys body by a factory on the river. He then requests to meet in Miami Beach for ransom for Maggie Rose. -
Disney Fiasco
Soneji requests that Alex makes the ransom delivery. Alex does but meets with someone other than Soneji. The FBI swarms Alex and the unknown man, which makes the unknown man take Alex hostage. He then delivers him back after one day to South Carolina, and the unknown man gets away with the ransom and Alex is left with no Maggie Rose. -
Taken off the case
Alex and his partner are taken off the kidnapping because they are not needed anymore. Soneji then kills a women from the school he worked at and leaves one of Maggie Rose's shoes as a clue. Alex and his partner investigate on their own time and find out who the man may be Soneji. They get put back on the case after the information they find out. -
About Soneji
We have learned that Gary Soneji is resonsible for the kidnappings and possible murders. He also lives a different life with a wife and daughter., as Gary Murphy. The FBI finds Soneji/Murphy at his house and he escapes to New Jesery, There has been no news about Maggie Rose. -
We meet Soneji/Murphy once again at a Mcdonalds. He has pulled out a gun and shot two people. The FBI and Alex are on the scene and Alex talks Soneji/Murphy out of hurting anyone else. As Soneji/Murphy walks toward the door and Alex, he is shot and Alex brings him down. -
Multiple or Faking?
Soneji/Murphy comes to in a prison hospitol. Alex has gotten in to talk to him, being a psycologist, Alex starts to annalyze Soneji/Murphy's personality. Gary Murphy remembers nothing of the murders or kidnappings. -
Alex tries hypnosis on Gary Murphy and soon Gary Soneji comes out. Alex then gets taken off the case again and Soneji/Murphy is given a new team of doctors and is not hypnotized again. Alex could have gotten out of Soneji where Maggie Rose was. -
Nintey-Ninth Percentile
Alex and his partner investigate into Soneji/Murphys past on their own time. They come across a "friend" from him past and they find out about how smart Gary thinks he really is. The 99%-tile is the smartest people in the world, Gary thinks he is in the 100%-tile. The smartest of the smart and no one can catch/tick him. He is a very good actor and may be able to get off. -
They meet with the neighbor of the Sanders. The girl who was friends with one of the victims says she saw someone else in the car while Gary was in the house and while he was scoping the house out. We then come to Alex hypnotizing Gary again. Instead of meeting Murphy, he meets Soneji. Then we get to hear from Maggie Rose, she feels like no one will remember her and she is scared. -
Soneji v. State
Gary's trial starts. His lawyers defense is Gary Soneji committed the crimes, not Gary Murphy. Nathan, Gary's lawyer, says he wants to bring Alex to testify in court and hypnotize him. We find out that Maggie Rose has been taken by someone else. Thomas Dunne accuses Alex of helping Gary get off. -
Alex and Jezzies relationship comes into question. Nana Mama does not approve of this relationship and she does not think Jezzie, a white women will do any good for Alex. Alex has much respect for his Nana Mama and does not want to hurt her or his children. Jezzie and Alex get hit by the paparazzi at Jezzie's house in North Carolina, this may harm Alexs career. Jezzie resigns from the Secret Service and cuts off all communication lines for about a week. -
Gary is found guilty of two counts of kidnapping and one count of murder. -
Accompice Again?
Alex digs deeper into the investigation. He goes to Nina Cresier's to find out more about the accomplice. He finds that someone was watching Gary, someone else was in a car watching him. -
More Investiagting
Alex meets with Mike Devine who worked on the case and Mike tells him just to leave it alone, He then calls his partner, Charlie Chakely and Charlie acts angry towards Alex and wants nothing to do with the case. Jezzie says anything they put in their logs are accurate and they wouldnt miss anything. would they? -
Information from Gary
Alex goes to see Gary and finds out that he didnt have the ransom money, and he didnt know where Maggie was because someone had taken both of them. He also didnt mean to kill Michael, at least not yet. Gary says Chakely and Devine were the ones following him and they committed the crime. -
A Parallel Case
Alex goes to the FBI with the inforamtion he has gotten from Gary. The FBI says they have been running a seperate case watching Chakely and Devine. They also tell Alex that Jezzie is involved with the case and she and Devine are lovers. -
Escape Plan
Gary has been working up and escape plan. He befriends a guard at the prison and tells the guard that he can have a share of the ransom money. Gary fakes being sick and Fishnauer, his guard friend, take him to the X-ray room in the basement. Fishnauer hands Gary his gun so Gary can "take him hostage". They tell the basement guards that Gary will kill him if they dont let them go. So Gary and Fishnauer escape to the old farm house to get the ransom money. Gary kills Fishnauer in the garage. -
Mix of Events
Jezzie meets Devine in a hotel room. She doesnt want him spending the ransom money but she cant stop him. Cross knows that all of this is happening with Jezzie but he cant let her know. He stops by her appartment and and they go for a ride on her motorcycle, Alex suggests they go to the Islands for a few days because they both need to relax. Maggie Rose is daydreaming about seeing her parents and friends and excaping from the house in the mountains. -
Alex and Gary's Plans
Alex soon finds out the Jezzie is most deffinetly involved in the crime of the century. Jezzie asked a question about Devine and Chakely so he knows that she in involved. Gary shows up at Devines appartment. Gary drugs him and puts him in a tub of cold water, cuts him witha very sharp knife and gives him the option to tell him where the ransom is and die later, or die now. -
Alex's Plan in Action
Alex and Jezzie sneak away to their private island from before and Alex gets Jezzie to tell him the truth about what happened to Maggie Rose and why she did what she did. After Jezzie confesses, Alex points out the Sampson and two other agents are hiding in the trees and bushes and the arrest Jezzie. -
Maggie Rose
With the information they get from Jezzie and Chakely they are able to locate where Maggie was taken. She is found in the Andes Mountians. She was kept with family that had no idea who Maggie Rose was, that she came from a famous family. They were told to keep her alive and thats what they did. -
Gary's Plan
Gary comes back and kills Devine. He is infront of Alex's house and comes in to attack Alex and his family. Alex and Gary go after each other and Gary escapes, Alex who is wounded, goes after him throughout Washington, but Alex does not find him. Gary is spotted going towards the White House with two children as hotsages. -
Gary's Last Chance at Fame
Gary is surrounded by the D.C. police and the FBI. Alex comes on the scene and talks to him through a loud speaker. Gary shoots at the cars and no one shoots back, suddenly Gary tries to run for it and Sampson guns him down. Gary is shot but not killed. -
The End
Jezzie is givent the death penalty for her crimes. Alex goes to watch, he vistited both Jezzie and Gary in jail. There is a note on Alex's car from Gary. This note shows that Gary has more plans to escape and be on the loose again. Alex ends with hanging with his family.