Supreme Court decides in Plessy v. Ferguson
Supreme Court decided in Plessy v. Ferguson which meant that mixed races could be in the same box-car. This also lead to the Jim Crow Laws which meant that African American people had to have their own areas. They could not be in the same areas as the white people. "Seperate but equal" was an extremely popular statement basically saying that both races had to be treated equally but kept separate from each other. -
Supreme Court decides in Brown v. Board of Education
The Supreme Court decided in Brown v. Board of Education in order to stop segregation in schools around the nation. Unfortunately is caused a lot of chaos. In a total of 10 years 98% of schools were still segregated and only 2% were free of segregation. -
Rosa Parks arrested
Rosa Parks got arrested in the year of 1955 for refusing to give her seat up to a white person. During this time white people were supposed to sit in the front of a bus while the African Americans had to sit all the way in the back of the bus. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott began
The Montgomery Bus Boycott offically began when Rosa Parks got arrested. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the pastor chosen to lead the boycott. This was also when the MIA group was finally created. -
MIA was formed
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the young pastor who was chosen to lead the boycot. The group was named MIA. MIA stood for Montgomery Improvement Association. The boycott was a success, It took 11 months in order to take to court and a total of 380 days for boycott to finally work. -
Little Rock Nine
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oodolEmUg2g The Little Rock Nine were basically nine African American students that were attening a white school for the very first time. African Americans were being treated extrememly bad and because of this Governor Faubus brought in the state national guard to protect the nine African American students. Soon after that, all nine of the students had their own assigned guard to follow them wherever they went to be able to protect them. -
Sit-In Movement began
The students in the state of Tennessee began to protest against segregation in public areas. Students used a role play before they began to organize a real sit-in and basically what they truly wanted was to know that they were going to be able to have someone that could call the police or the ambulance if needed. -
Freedom Rides
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FranrEa8vg The Freedom Rides was an order from the Supreme Court to make interestate travel available to all races while not being enforced. Many of the riders were also being beaten in Birmingham. -
Birmingham Movement
Was a movement in the of 1963 which was officially organized by the Southern Christian Leadership Conferance to be able to bring attention to the integration efforts of all African Americans in the town of Birmingham, Alabama. -
Martin Luther King Jr. gives "I Have A Dream" speech
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw0DpF3vpac Martin Luther King Jr. gave an extremely famous speech talking to the public about how whites and African Americans should be treated the same and have the ability to get along not judge eachother by the color of their skin. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
The Voting Right Act of 1965 basically helped African Americans to finally have the ability to vote. In result of this new act, it registered a total of 27,000 African Americans.The percentage of eligible voters raised up from 7% to 59% in the state of Mississippi. -
March against fear (James Meredith shot)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msSo4qbbbmE The March against fear was led by an African American man named James Meredith who got shot on the second day of the March. This march included SCLC & Martin Luther King Jr. -
Black Panther Party formed
The Black Panther Party basically led to self-determination with included land, food, houaing, education. self-defense groups, etc. Many people also carried firearms and it led to having battles with the police. -
Martin Luther King Jr. killed
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXOGRI-5S9U Martin Luther King Jr. was killed by a sniper he was on the balcony of his motel. It later led to riots in a total of 120 cities. Everyone knew that if Martin Luther King Jr. was still alive during this time he would not have approved of the violence that was made due to his death. -
Civil Rights Act signed into law
When the Civil Rights Act signed into law it was also known as the Fair Housing Act. It basically used busing to send students to schools outside of neighborhoods to be able to integrate. The Affirmative Action was also part of this, it attempted to compensate for previous discrimination by giving preference to young children and women.