The French build Fort Duquesne
The French built the fort in Pennslyvania because it had geographical advantages. This happenned to be considered British territory, though, and the British found it threatening. -
Battle of Fort Necessity
This was where the first battle of the French and Indian war took place. Washington had to surrender the fort because rain had flooded it and destroyed their ammunition. -
Albany Plan of Union
Benjamin Franklin had proposed a plan to place British North American colonies under a more centeralized government. This was the first attempt to bring the colonies under one government. -
Battle of Fort Duquesne
After two previously failed attempts, the British had finally taken over the fort and renamed it Fort Pitt. -
William Pitt becomes British Prime Minister
He was the youngest prime minister at age 24. He was in office for two years. He did whatever was necessary to defeat the French. -
Battle of Quebec
British defeat French in the city of Quebec. The victory ensured British supremacy in Canada. -
Treaty of Paris
Ended the French and Indian war and emilminated all claims the French had on Canada. This had strengthened the North American colonies. -
George Grenville becomes British Prime Minister
He initiated the stamp act and revenue act of 1764 which taxed system policies. This caused the colonists to become more estranged with the mother country giving them more fuel to revolt. -
Pontiac's Rebellion
Launched by a group of natives who were dissatisfied with the British post war policies. To kill the indians, the British used blanket contaminatd with smallpox. This event showed the British how corrupt their government was. -
British Parliament passes the Proclimation of 1763
This banned the colonization of British west of the Appalachian mountains. Issued by King George III, it was meant to stabalize the relationships with the natives and keep the peace. This made British settlers angry because they were forbidden to settle on the land they fought for in the war. -
Parliament passes Sugar Act
England decided Americans needed to help pay for the war, so they would tax them on sugar or molasses that came to the colonies. This made colonists angry so they became united and they boycotted against the British.