Congress passed a series of Neutrality Acts.
The laws made it illegal to sell arms or lend money to nations at war -
September 1939
President Roosevelt asked Congress to allow the Allies to buy American arms.
The Allies would pay cash and then carry the goods on their own ships. -
March 1941
Under the Lend-Lease Act is passed.
The President could lend or lease arms and other supplies to any country vital to the United States. -
Summer 1941
The U.S. navy was escorting British ships carrying U.S. arms.
In response, Hitler ordered his submarines to sink any cargo ships they met.
Roosevelt and Churchill met secretly and issued a joint declaration called the Atlantic Center
Even though the United States had not entered war -
September 4 1941
A German U-boat fired on a U.S. destroyer in the Atlantic.
In response, Roosevelt ordered navy commanders to shoot German submarines on sight.
The United States was now involved in an undeclared naval war with Hitler.