Odysseus 240x209

Allen, Odysseus Timeline

  • Nov 8, 1200

    Trojan War-Summary

    Trojan War-Summary
    The Trojan War which occurred around 1200 BC occurred after prince of Troy kidnapped Helen, known as the most beautiful women from her husband. Recruited kings and soldiers from all over Greece came to recover his wife. Odysseus, one of the Greeks that came to help him. He was known as the "master strategist". Odysseus came up with a masters plan to. make the Trojan think they abandoned the struggle.Odysseus ordered a Wooden horse and left it at the gate which made the Trojans assume they fled.
  • Nov 8, 1200

    Trojan War-Analysis

    Trojan War-Analysis
    The Trojan war began because Paris, the prince of Tory had kidnapped Helen. Who was married to the King of Sparta. The King recruited soldiers and Kings from all over Greece to help retrieve his wife. Odysseus was one of the many people recruited was known as the "master strategist". Odysseus came up with a plan. t make the Trojans think they abandoned the struggle. So he ordered a wooden horse to be left at the gates of Troy. When they got their and found no Greeks and assumed their enemy fled.
  • Nov 12, 1200

    Lotus Eaters- Summary

    Lotus Eaters- Summary
    Odysseus came across a current that took him out to sea. For nine days, he drifted on the sea. On the tenth day he came to the coast line of the Lotus Eaters. Where they landed in order to get water. All the ships gathered on on the side for a mid-day meal .He sent out two men he personally picked and a runner to see what race of men was on the island. They then found the Lotus Eaters who seemed harmless, and offered them Lotus. Those who ate the Lotus never returned and forgot their homeland.
  • Nov 12, 1200

    Lotus Eaters- Analysis

    Lotus Eaters- Analysis
    Odysseus and his men got lost and drifted too for nine days. On the tenth day they came across the coast line of the Lotus Eaters. They gathered to have a meal as he sent two of his best men and a runner to see what race of men they faced. When the men returned they found nothing bite the harmless Lotus Eaters, who offered them Lotus. They offered them this sweet Lotus and those who ate it without knowing what it did, failed to ever report or return and they ended up forgetting their homeland.
  • Nov 15, 1200

    Cyclops- Summary

    Cyclops- Summary
    In the next land they found Cyclops. They left the earth in mystery for the immortal gods. The Cyclops had no gathering, consultation, or old tribal ways. Every Cyclops dwells in his own mountain cave, dealing with the rough justice of wife and children. Not caring about what the others did.
  • Nov 15, 1200

    Cyclops- Analysis

    Cyclops- Analysis
    As Odysseus and his men drifted to another land they found the Cyclops. These were big, clumsy, stupid, giant, monsters looking people. They left the Lotus Eaters leaving the earth with no idea where they were having the immortal God's looking for them. The Cyclops had no way of gathering, consultation, or traditional ways to do things. The Cyclops people sat and dwelled in their own mountain cave dealing with their wife and kids. Without caring about anyone else and what they do.
  • Nov 17, 1200

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind- Analysis

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind- Analysis
    Odysseus and his men voyaged with his men. The landed on the island of Aeolus. Aeolus wa known as the God of winds. Aeolus sent the men with two gifts. The first gift was a wind to push them back to Ithaca. The second wing escaped and pushed them pack to Aeolus island. When Oddysues asked Aeolus for another bad of wind he rejected because he thought they were cursed.
  • Nov 17, 1200

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind- Summary

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind- Summary
    Odysseus and his men landed on a island with Aeolus who was the wind king. To spread his kindness he gave Odysseus two gifts. The first gift was a fair west wind blowing the ships toward Ithaca. The second gift was the unfavorable stormy winds. The winds then escaped and blew Odysseus and his men mad to Aeolus' island. The king then refused to help them because he thought their voyage was cursed.
  • Nov 19, 1200

    Circe- Analysis

    Circe- Analysis
    Odysseus and his men landed on land also known as Aeaea. When they arrived Odysseus split his men into two groups one led by Polites and the other by Eurylochus. Odysseus wanted to save his men so in order to do that he had sex with Circe so his men could escape. After, Circe made Odysseus dinner but he rejected it. Odysseus wanted to make sure his men were safe. Circe did not set them free but instead made them satay for a year. After the one year she set Odysseus and his men free.
  • Nov 19, 1200

    Circe- Summary

    Circe- Summary
    Odysseus and his men landed on the land of Circe a island called Aeaea. Odysseus spilt his groups into two. One group was lead by Polites and the other was lead by Eurylochus. In order to save them Odysseus had sex with Circe. Circe had offered Odysseus dinner but he refused to eat until he knew his men we're free. Circe refused to set them free and made them stay for a year. After the one year they were able to go home.
  • Nov 22, 1200

    Sirens- Summary

    Sirens- Summary
    Circe talked to Odysseus and gave him information on how to avoid the sirens. To save his crew Odysseus placed beeswax in their ears. Then his men tied in on a pole that was in th middle of the ship. When they entered the area of the sirens, Odysseus continued to ask his men to untie him. The sound of the sirens seduced Odysseus, but his men continued to row the boat. Odysseus and his men were all able to get free and go home.
  • Nov 22, 1200

    Sirens- Analysis

    Sirens- Analysis
    Circe helped Odysseus by telling him how to pass the sirens. In order to save his crew Odysseus [laced beeswax in his crew mates ear. After, his men tied him on a pole that was in the middle of the ship. Struggle and begging to be untied Odysseus began to hear the sirens. Odysseus struggled as he listened to the sound but later him and his men were out of the range of the sirens.
  • Nov 22, 1200

    Scylla and Charybdis- Summary

    Scylla and Charybdis- Summary
    Odysseus and his men were on course, and they landed into Scylla and Charybdis. Scylla was a six-headed sea monster and Charybdis was a threatening whirlpool. Charybdis had swallowed the seawater down which caused the whirlpool and triggered Scylla to charge against Odysseus. Scylla had took six of Odysseus men and ate them. After, Odysseus continued the journey back to home so his other men could get back safe.
  • Nov 22, 1200

    Scylla and Charybdis- Analysis

    Scylla and Charybdis- Analysis
    Odysseus and his men rowed to Scylla and Charybdis. Scylla was a six headed monster and Charybdis was a deadly whirlpool. Charybdis had swallowed the seawater whited caused Scylla to charge. Scylla was angry and ate six of Odysseus' men. Odysseus had continued his journey to Ithaca in order to get them and the rest of his mean back home safely.
  • Nov 23, 1200

    Helios' cattle- Summary

    Helios' cattle- Summary
    As Odysseus and his men continued their journey they entered the island of Helios. Helios is known as the god of sun. Odysseus' men were very hungry after their long journey. Their hunger caused them to eat on Helios' cattle but they weren't supposed to. Their action caused madness in the sun god and he told them he wouldn't shine his light until he got his revenge. Zeus had sunken Odysseus' ship and left him as the only survivor. Odysseus landed on another island were he stayed for seven years.
  • Nov 23, 1200

    Suiters/Home- Summary

    Suiters/Home- Summary
    After a long journey Odysseus made it home to Ithaca. Odysseus arrives home and finds suitors in his home. The suitors were trying to take over Odysseus wife and home. Odysseus came as a old beggar. Penelope gave a challenge. Penelope told them whoever strings a bow and shoot through 12 axes will be her husband. As Odysseus plans to kill the suitors, swinherd locked the door Odysseus shot Antinous in the throat. Killing them all. They finally were back together but Penelope had second thoughts.
  • Nov 23, 1200

    Helios' cattle- Analysis

    Helios' cattle- Analysis
    Odysseus and his men landed on the Island of Helios. Helios was known as the sun god. After a long journey Odysseus and his men were hungry so they ate on his cattle. This upsetted Helios. helios told them he wouldnt shine his light until he got his revenge. Zesus sunk their ship and left Odysseus as the only survivor. Odysseus stayed there for seven years and then went home.
  • Nov 23, 1200

    Suiters/Home- Analysis

    Suiters/Home-  Analysis
    Odysseus had finally made it back home. He came disguised as an old beggar. And found suitors in his home. They were trying to take Odysseus wife and home. Penelope had gave them a challenge as whoever could string a bow through six axes would be her wife. Odysseus panned to kill the suitors. Swinherd had locked the door as Odysseus shot Antinous in the throat. And killed all the suitors. They finally were back together but Penelope had second thoughts if that was really Odysseus.