All Universe Scientist

  • Feb 19, 1473

    Copernicus Born in Poland

  • Mar 2, 1514

    Worte Report Little Commentary says that sun is in the middle

  • Mar 2, 1532

    Detailed description of the universe

  • Mar 3, 1541

    Published book "On the revolutions of the Celestial Shpeares

  • Feb 15, 1564

    Gallalio Born

  • Galileo made a astonomical observation

  • Galileo makes telescope 3x more power that the Dutch

  • Galileo publisdhed Letter on sunspots

  • Galileo wrote book sumirizing all his ideas

  • Newton Born

  • Newton published book about math pricinples and of natural philosophy

  • Newton dies

  • Hubble

  • Hubbles law

    1. the further you are the fater things move
    2. ther are more galixies beyond the MIlky way Says universe is expanding
  • Hubble dies