World War 1

By tp3252
  • Franz Ferdinand Dies

    Franz Ferdinand Dies
    Heir to the Austria-Hungary throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated which sparked WW1.
  • Central Powers

    Central Powers
    The Central Powers formed. This included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire.
  • Belgium Inavsion

    Belgium Inavsion
    Germany started World War 1 by invading Belgium.
  • Allied Powers

    Allied Powers
    The Allied Powers formed with the Treaty of London. The Allies were composed of Britain, France, and Russia.
  • Lusitania Sinks

    Lusitania Sinks
    Germany sunk a British ship carrying 2000 British and American passengers. This helped draw America into the war.
  • Start of the Battle of Verdun

    Start of the Battle of Verdun
    This was the longest battle in World War 1. It lasted 295 days
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    The Battle of Somme begins. With over 1 million fatalities, this was the deadliest battle of WWI.
  • End of Battle of Verdun

    End of Battle of Verdun
    After nearly a full year, the Battle of Verdun ended with 400,000 casualties.
  • Cutting Ties

    Cutting Ties
    The US severed diplomatic relations with Germany.
  • America Joins

    America Joins
    After nearly two years, America declared war on Germany and joined the Allied Powers.
  • Draft

    The US Congress authorized the first draft since the civil war.
  • Americans Arrive

    Americans Arrive
    American soldiers arrived in France to begin fighting.
  • Russian Peace Treaty

    Russian Peace Treaty
    Russia, after the Russian Revolution, signed a peace treaty with Germany. This ended their role in the war,
  • Final Offensive

    Final Offensive
    Germany began their final offensive.
  • Battle of Amiens

    Battle of Amiens
    This was the last battle of WWI.
  • Armistice Signed

    Armistice Signed
    The war is finally over, and Germany has accepted it.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Exactly five years after Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, the Treaty of Versailles was signed, bringing an official end to WWI.