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All Quiet On The Western Front

  • All Quiet On The Western Front

    All Quiet On The Western Front
    The Book Takes Place on the Front lines of World War 1 durning the summer of 1916.
  • All quiet on the Western Front

    All quiet on the Western Front
    Paul and Kat went hunting and returned with horse flesh and they roasted it.
  • All quiet on The Western Front

    All quiet on The Western Front
    All of the men that joined the army went to there first battle today and 150 went out and 80 came back so now all the men have plenty of food,but it takes some convencing to the cook ginger to let them have more rations.
    -Paul Said that was the first battle the new recurits went to.
  • All quiet on the western front

    All quiet on the western front
    Paul dreads to tell Kemmerich's mother about his death. -He turns away. After a pause he says slowly: "I wanted to become a head-forester once."
  • All quiet on the western front

    All quiet on the western front
    Paul goes back to the front and the Kaiser decorates Paul and the men.
  • All quiet on the western front

    All quiet on the western front
    The men kill and eat two suckling pigs.They develop diarrhea from them.
  • All Quiet on the western front.

    All Quiet on the western front.
    Paul and the troops are shelled while laying barbed wire fence on the front.
  • All quiet on the western front

    All quiet on the western front
    Paul and Albert are injured in battle.Paul has shrapnel taken out with no anesthesia.Albert's leg is amputated.
  • All quiet on the western front

    All quiet on the western front
    Paul heals up and recovers.He is sent back to the front.
  • All quiet on the western font.

    All quiet on the western font.
    Paul and other Soldiers throw bodies out of coffins in a graveyard.They take their places to hide in the coffins.
  • All Quiet on the western front

    All Quiet on the western front
    Paul helps a new recurit who has crapped his pants in fear.He helps him with no teasing.
  • All Quiet on the western front.

    All Quiet on the western front.
    Paul and kat are catch a goose and eat it.On there spare time.
  • All quiet on the western front

    All quiet on the western front
    Paul is sent home because his mother has cancer.He was so depressed.
    -How would Paul define "home?" What aspects of his home are the most difficult for him to face?
  • All quiet on the western front

    All quiet on the western front
    Kemmerich had his leg amputated,Paul went and saw him in the hospital.
  • All quiet on the western front

    All quiet on the western front
    Paul stabs a French soldier who jumps into his foxhole.He sits with the man untill he dies.
  • All quiet on the western front

    All quiet on the western front
    Paul hates being on leave.He wants to be back on the front he is sorry he came home.
  • All quiet on the western front

    All quiet on the western front
    Paul's father wants him to tell war stories from the front to his friends.
  • All quiet on the western front

    All quiet on the western front
    The offensive starts and the men are gassed.They are bombed around the clock.They survive by wearing mask.
  • All quiet on the western front

    All quiet on the western front
    In 1918 kat is shot in the shin Paul carries him for miles and discoveries Kat has been hit in the head.Carring Kat saved Paul from being hit.
  • All quiet on the western front

    All quiet on the western front
    Paul dies and in october and he looks calm when he dies he died after the war was over.
    -He didn't die when the war was going on he died when it was calm