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All I Know I Learned From tele

  • Paul Julius Gottlieb Nipkow

    Paul Julius Gottlieb Nipkow
    Paul Julius Gottlieb Nipkow is the one who made the mechanism inside the television which was a disk with a pattern of holes against a bright light that projected a picture. This was used in cameras and receivers.
  • Karl Ferdinand Braun

    Karl Ferdinand Braun
    Karl made the cathode ray tube that made technology possible. Witch was used for the invention of the high definition TVs.
  • Cathode Ray Tubes

    Cathode Ray Tubes
    Cathode ray tubes became able to supply images for "early incarnations of the television."
  • Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton

    Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton
    Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton was the one who made the electronic scanning that was later put in TVs. He later wrote a paper describing electronic potential of the TV.
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    Vladimir Kosma Zworykin

    Vladimir Kosma Zworykin later added on to Alan's idea of the electronic scanning when Vladimir invented the iconoscope camera.
  • John Logie Baird

    John Logie Baird
    In 1926 he used his working TV model to showcase the first TV in Sweden.
  • John Logie Baird

    John Logie Baird
    In 1928 John created a experimental broadcast and he even made a color transmission for the TV.
  • Philo Traylor Farnsworth

     Philo Traylor Farnsworth
    Philo made the television camera that converted elements of an image into a electric signal. He then eventually patented his invention so it would be completely his.
  • Cable TV

    Cable TV
    Cable TV was made for people with terrible reception because of the huge buildings and mountains that block the radio waves from the cell towers. This was made by John Walson
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    TV became popular

    the TV became popular in the 1950s and became one of the most used forms of entertainment and was the HDTV, and still is popular to this day.
  • Plasma TVs (latest tele)

    Plasma TVs (latest tele)
    The first plasma TV was made and put on display at the Illinois university by Donald Bitzer and Gene Slottow who were professors at the university and graduate Robert Wilson. They didn't use the Cathode ray tube which was in every other TV. Plasma TVs are about 6 in. thick but can reach to be about 1 in. thick, and also can be hung from walls.
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    rear projection

    this was introduced then when better versions were made, the amount of rear projections were declining. there were three categories: "CRT-based (cathode ray tube-based), LCD-based (liquid crystal display-based), and DLP-based (digital light processing-based)." (https://go.gale.com/ps/retrieve.do?resultListType=RELATED_DOCUMENT&searchType=ts&userGroupName=fortwayne&inPS=true&contentSegment=&prodId=SCIC&docId=GALE|CV2644032218&it=r)
  • DTV (digital television)

    DTV (digital television)
    DTV broadcasts took over the analog ones because the government made a law that shut down each analog broadcast.