
The history of the USA

  • History of the USA

    History of the USA
    On September the 6 th in 1620 , a group of 102 pilgrims sailed from England to America on a ship. On 9th November , 1620 , the pilgrims saw land in the distance. They were very excited because their journey was near to finish.
  • The first winter

    The first winter
    The first winter was very cold and 45 people died for the extreme temperatures and because of hunger too ; but the pilgrims didn´t lose their hope.
  • Other people travel to the America

    Other people travel to the America
    Many people wanted to build a new life in the `New World´,so many inmigrants moved there. By 1750 , Great Britain had 13 colonies on the east coast of North America and about two and a half million colonists lived there.
  • The independence

    The independence
    On 4 th july 1776 , the colonies declared the independence from Great Britain. The colonists , led by George Washington fought many long difficult battles . At the end they defeated the british army and signed the treaty of Paris in 1783.They called their new nation the United States of America (USA).
  • The American Civil War

    The American Civil War
    Today,General Robert E. Lee , the Confederate army leader, surrendered to General Ulysses Grant, the Union army leader . I can´t believe it! It´s the end of the war ! But more than 600,000
    American are dead.Now, the slaves are free and the country is one nation.But we´ll never be the same again!