All About Thanushon

By tha806
  • Thanushon was Born!

    Thanushon was Born!
    I was born! I don't remember anything but I know for sure I was crying!
  • Time I Walked

    Time I Walked
    It took me 1 whole year for me to walk! It got hurt alot when I tried to walk.
  • First Brother

    First Brother
    My first brother Vithushan was born. He was fun to have around but gets annoying sometimes.
  • First Day Of School

    First Day Of School
    It was my first day of school. I was scared but happy because I made friends easily.
  • First Friend

    First Friend
    Ahmar was my first friend. I don't see him anymore but he will always be my very first friend!
  • Fifth Birthday

    Fifth Birthday
    Best Birthday Ever! My cake was shaped as a ship! All my relatives were there because I was in Sri Lanka at the time!
  • Second Brother

    Second Brother
    I got a second brother! His name is Thusi.
  • First Movie

    First Movie
    My first movie is Kung Fu Panda. It was great.
  • EQAO On My Birthday

    EQAO On My Birthday
    I did EQAO on my birthday in grade 3. That felt like the worst birthday ever!
  • Second Stop To Go To Sri Lanka.

    Second Stop To Go To Sri Lanka.
    It was my second stop to Sri Lanka. I was in Turkey and no I did not eat turkey at the time
  • First Time Going to Wonderland

    First Time Going to Wonderland
    It was the first time going to Wonderland and it was so much fun! I rode on the Wildbeast, first ride in Wonderland.