All About Me

  • I am Born

    I am Born
    I was born September 28, 2001 in Phoenix, Arizona.
  • Period: to

    My Life

    Years of Existance
  • Bought our house

    Bought our house
    We live in Gilbert, Arizona
  • First Day of kindergarten

    First Day of kindergarten
    I was super nervous but very excited to start kindergarten
  • Rocky Point

    Rocky Point
    I enjoyed the sand and the beach. We stayed with our friends that had a house there and did tons of fun things.
  • First day of Jr. High

    First day of Jr. High
    I felt mature and really happy to start.
  • Starting basketball for the first time

    Starting basketball for the first time
    I started playing basketball when I was in seventh grade and I have been playing it ever since then.
  • First Day of High School

    First Day of High School
    I was really excited to start high school, take new classes, and play sports.
  • Buying our second house

    Buying our second house
    We bought our second house by our family in Nogales, Arizona