All About Me

  • I Was Born

    I was born in hamad hospital
  • Period: to

    All About Me

  • First day of school

    First day of school
    My first school was park house
  • First time to go to another country

    First time to go to another country
    My first country was Dubai
  • I learnd how to count to 100

    I learnd at home how to count to 100
  • I learnd how to swim in the deep end

    I learnd how to swim in the deep end
    I was happy that i could swim at the deep end
  • I learnd my timetable

    I learnd my timetable
    timetable is easy
  • I moved to a new house

    I love my new house
  • I went to anoher school

    I went to anoher school