Time line by Jincy Nye

By jincy71
  • Birth

    Before a child is born they will have heard conversations from people who interact with the mother. The child will be able to recognize people who were around the mother regularly.
  • From birth to one years old

    During the first 12 months of a child's life, they are doing lots of listening, and watching, and mimicking.
  • 2nd year of life.

    Babies make huge changes during their second year. Most babies start walking and talking during this year. They learn that they can get responses from their parents when they do unexpected things. Babies naturally try to get their parents attention.
  • Age 3

    Three is a huge year in a child's life since they are able to do things that they will do for the rest of their lives. Most kids have a good grasp of their mother tongue, can walk or run with out falling, and have figured out how to manipulate their parents to get what they want.
  • Age 4

    By age 4 most kids are struggling. They have figured out many things, but they cannot figure out why they are not allowed to do what ever they want. This becomes the time of major battles of wills, and they will learn how to argue, whine and complain. A 4 year old wants to know if it's parents mean what they say, and what they can get away with.
  • First year of school away from mom, age 5.

    If a mother has been able to spend time at home with her baby instead of at work, 5 is the first time a child usually leaves mom. This can be very traumatic for both mom and child. Kindergarten is a time when most children learn skills that will take them all through their years at school.
  • Ready for middle school, age 11-12

    Middle school is a huge transition for most kids. This is when they start to feel their bodies change, and the start to look at the opposite sex differently. Learning how to communicate with other kids who are going through similar issues is tough. In middle school kids start playing with swear words, and new terminology they have heard adults use. They also start to separate from their parents, no longer allowing public displays of affection from mom or dad.
  • First year of high school

    The first year of high school is very big for most kids. They suddenly feel like they are in kindergarten again. Accustomed to being one of the older kids, they now have to learn to deal with kids who are older, and wiser. They must gain more vocabulary words and their definitions so they will understand what is being said around them. Teachers also expect much more from them than ever before.
  • Finishing high school

    Many kids finish high school before they are 18. This is a big time of transition from adolescence to adult hood. Many kids still need to learn how to talk like adults, so they can get their first job or fill out college application forms.
  • College or not

    Not every child dreams of what they will be when they grow up. Some need time to think about it, and they may not head off to college right away. Many times getting a job to save up for college seems to be the best choice. By this time most kids have a good hold of the language they will use for the rest of their lives.