• Period: to


  • Eduardo Strauch Urioste

    Eduardo Strauch Urioste
    He studied at the College "Stella Maris", of the Irish Congregation of Christian Brothers, in the residential neighborhood of Carrasco. Eduardo was co-founder of the rugby club Old Christians, created to integrate students and former students of the College; a Club which, years later, would lead to an unimaginable experience.
  • Fernando Seler Parrado Dolgay

    Fernando Seler Parrado Dolgay
    Nando Parrado, is a former rugby player, former Uruguayan runner of racing boats, cars and motorcycles, entrepreneur and producer and television presenter.
  • Antonio Vizintin

    Antonio Vizintin
    Tintin, was born in Montevideo in 1953. He studied at the College Christian Brothers. He is currently Vice President of the Uruguay Rugby Union (URU) and member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation. His great physical strength as also the acquired values of Irish brothers carved deep in your being Antonio making a person capable of taking down any obstacle.
  • Ramón Sabella

    Ramón Sabella
    He is a successful businessman linked to the agro-industrial and exporter of Uruguayan meat sector. For the time of the accident he was 21 years old, was a student of Agronomy and although it did not belong to the rugby team, was on the plane for being friend of Roberto Francois, Carlos Páez and Rafael Echevarren.
  • Adolfo Luis Strauch Urioste

    Adolfo Luis Strauch Urioste
    He was student of Agronomy and graduated from Stella Maris. Currently he is married to Paula Martín Valdés, his sons: Diego, Alexandra, Catherine and Thomas; It is agricultural producer and speaker. In the mountain phyto invented water converter.
  • The plane crashes: Day 1

    The plane crashes: Day 1
    The plane crashes. 7 passengers leave dismissed and 6 are killed in the clash. There are 32 survivors.
  • Day 2

    4 more people die during the morning and day. (Dead: 10, missing persons: 7, survivors: 28).
  • Day 9

    Day 9
    Die Susana Parrado. (Dead: 11, missing persons: 7, survivors: 27).
  • Day 12

    An expedition located the missing dead 7. (Dead: 18, survivors: 27).
  • Day 17

    Day 17
    8 people are killed in the avalanche. (Dead: 26, survivors: 19).
  • Day 60

    Day 60
    Numa Turcatti dies. (Dead: 29, survivors: 16).
  • Day 34

    Day 34
    Arturo Nogueira dies. (Dead: 27, survivors: 18).
  • Day 37

    Day 37
    Rafael Echavarren died. (Dead: 28, survivors: 17).
  • Day 69

    Canessa and Parrado located Sergio Catalán. (Dead: 29, survivors: 16).
  • Day 70

    Day 70
    Canessa and Parrado are rescued. (Dead: 29, Rescatados: survivor 2: 14).
  • Day 71

    6 survivors are rescued. The remaining 8 will have to wait one more night. (Dead: 29, Rescatados: 8, survivors: 8).
  • Day 72

    Day 72
    The remaining survivors 8 are rescued. (Dead: 29, Rescatados: 16).
  • Alive

    Antonio Vizintín, Eduardo Strauch, Luis Adolfo Strauch, Ramón Sabella and Nando Lobo, were only 5 of the 6 survivors of the crash of the flight 571, although this accident was a tropieso for their lives, they prospered and surpassed the bad memories of that place.