In the movie Jenny got AIDS and she got really sick and died. Jenny was in the hippie trend and was doing drugs and sharing needles. -
Accidental athlete
Forrest is a runner. He used to run from the bullies and he ran across the football field and got a spot on the team. -
Forrest gump was named after the first grand wizard, Nathan Bedford Forrest. The KKK is white supremacy group. -
Elvis meeting Forrest
Forrest unknowingly meeting Elvis Presley in his room. Elvis purchased his first guitar when he was 11 years old. At 18, Elvis paid $4 to make his first record, a gift for his mama. -
Vietnam War
This was also known as the, Second indochina war. In Vietnam it was the Resistance war against american or simply the american war. -
During the Vietnam war lots of people were getting drafted into this big war. Forrest however joined free willingly after Alabama University. -
Hippie Trend
This was a young group that wanted, peace,love, and no war. They listened to rock and used drugs, and embraced sexual revolution. -
Mainly during the hippy trend, lots of drug use was going on. Such as marijuana. LSD, and heroin. -
Desegregation in Alabama
This is when black's were allowed in this University. Although opposed by Governor Wallace, JFK successfully enrolled two African American students to this school. -
Black Panther Party
This was a African American revolutionary leftist organization. They believed and wanted to stop racism towards blacks. -
Watergate scandal
This was a break in of the Democratic national committee headquarters. President Nixon was aware of this happening. -
Ping pong diplomacy
In the movie Forrest becomes very good at ping pong and is asked to play on the American team against China. -
John Lennon
John Lennon and Forrest were on a television show together. John was a English musician and singer. He was shot and killed.