
Alison's Road To The Revolution Project

By Mckain2
  • The French & Indian War

    The French & Indian War
    The french and indian war started in 1754 and ended in 1763. The French and British were fighting for the Ohio River Valley. In the beginning the French were winning the war and that’s why the French had more Indian allies. The British won the whole war after their last win in Quebec. The negative effect from the war was that the British had a huge war debt to pay off.
  • Treaty Of Paris

    The treaty of paris is a document signed in february in 1763 stating that the british have won the war. The positive outcome from the war for the british was that they gained the ohio river valley. The french lost basically all their land in the new settlements and a good trading connection with some of the indian tribes.
  • Pontiac’s War

    Pontiac’s War
    Pontiacs war is the war against the colonists and the indian tribes. the indians started the war shortly after the french and indian war ended. They started it because they all wanted to keep their l;and that the british just won from the french. it got its named by the leader of the indians who name was pontiac. the war affected the colonists since it destroyed some settlements and kept them from the one side of the appalachian mountains.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The proclamation of 1763 is a law stating that a line has been drawn from the west and east side of the appalachian mountains separating the whites and native americans. The purpose of the law was so the wars would stop with the indians. The colonists really didn't mind the new law at first but then they wanted to travel out of their areas and get better farm lands so lots broke the law.
  • sugar act

    sugar act
    The Sugar Act was passed in 1764. The British placed a tax on sugar, wine, and other important items The British did this because they wanted more money; the British wanted this money to help provide more security for the colonies and because they had war debt to pay off. The colonists hated the idea of this they protested for all this to stop.
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    The new tax was imposed on all American colonists and required them to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they used. the colonists responded angrily and they didn't want to pay the extra money. in the sugar act they did more protests and boycotts they didn't do much in the stamp act. back then the colonists fought back by boycotts and protests.
  • Quatering Act

    Quatering Act
    The Quartering Act of 1765 required the colonies to house British soldiers in barracks provided by the colonies. it also required them to feed the soldiers.If the barracks were too small to house all the soldiers, then localities were to accommodate the soldiers in local inns, livery stables, ale houses, victualling houses, and the houses of sellers of wine. The colonists thought it was unfair that they had to house the soldiers that they didn't want there.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    The Stamp Act Congress was held because the colonists were tried of the tax from the sugar act and the stamp act they wanted to take action. Nine colonies formed in the congress. James Ortiz was The main Leader. The declaration of rights and Grievances is a Declaration of rights it was a document written by the stamp act congress it declared the taxes were unconstitutional.
  • Townsend Acts

    The Townshend Acts was named after Charles Townshend he was an english salesman. The purpose of the law was designed to collect taxes on imported goods such as imports of glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea. The colonists responded by protesting against this. The Protesting worked but they kept all the taxes on tea.
  • Boston Massacre

    The boston massacre was lead up by the british soldiers living with the colonists the colonists got angry a group of people started a riot and threatened the british soldiers. The Boston Massacre doesnt deserve to be called that because the news paper editor only called it that so the colonists would up rise against the british and so they would all think the british were horrible people
  • Tea Act

  • The Boston Tea Party

  • The Intolerable Acts

  • The First Continental Congress

  • Lexington and Concord

  • Second Continental Congress

  • Battle of Bunker Hill