Aliens in our Solar System

  • Fermi Paradox

    The fermi paradox is the question of "Where are all the aliens?"
  • Seti is Created

    Seti is now a pretty big non for profit alien research institution but this where it started.
  • Discovery of Exoplanets

    Exoplanets are where we think aliens are the best chance of being found.
  • Europa Life Potential

    Europa is a moon of Jupiter with a subsurface ocean beneath ice.
  • Titan Life Potential

    A moon of Saturn with stable, surface liquid methane and ethane lakes
  • Enceladus Life Potential

    Enceladus is a moon of Saturn with a subsurface ocean beneath ice.
  • Oumuamua

    Most likely a natural object this "asteroid" due to its bazar shape and trajectory there is speculation as to whether it is an alien artifact.