Snowfall on cedars

  • European Settlers of Puget Sound

    European Settlers of Puget Sound
    The first European record of a landing on the Washington coast ...of the Tacoma Narrows Puget's Sound, in honor of Peter Puget. Wikipedia “Settlers arrived--mostly wayward souls and eccentrics who had meandered off the Oregon Trail.“ European settlers traveled to the West Coast to the Oregon Trail taking over others land
  • Native Americans of Puget Sound

    Native Americans of Puget Sound
    Major groups or tribes of local Native Americans include the Suquamish, Duwamish, Nisqually, Snoqualmie, and Muckleshoo. History
    "Main Street presented to the populace Peterson's Grocery, a post office, Fisk's Hardware Center, Larsen's Pharmacy, a dime-store-with-fountain owned by a woman in Seattle, a Puget Power office“ This shows how the Native Americans we’re pushed out of their land for more industrial and city areas. Photo history
  • Alien Land Laws

    Alien Land Laws
    Alien land laws were a series of legislative attempts to discourage Asian and other "non-desirable" immigrants from settling permanently in U.S. states and territories by limiting their ability to own land and property.(Wikipedia) Let it be known that this court is not concerned with any perpetrators of violations against our state’s now blessedly so defunct Alien Land Law” (Guterson 62) The court and the people are not in favor of the alien land law. Photo-Wikipedia
  • Military Recruitment and Propaganda during World War 2

    Military Recruitment and Propaganda during World War 2
    “Using a vast array of media, propagandists instigated hatred for the enemy and support for America's allies, urged greater public effort for war production and victory gardens” Wikipedia It was all propaganda...They wanted us to be able to kill them with no remorse, to make them less than people...They could have used his face for one of their propaganda films."(Guterson 345). This quote is showing how they were bred to kill people through propaganda. Picture - Pinterest
  • Pearl harbor

    The Attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States against the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu (Wikipedia) “islanders were also asked to check their automobile tires and to drive in a manner consistent with preserving them: rubber was in short supply. (13.62)” Here we get some details about post-Pearl Harbor fear and wartime preparations on the island Photo by National Archives (www.britannica.com8
  • Japanese American Internment

    Japanese American Internment
    was the forced relocation and incarceration in concentration camps in the western interior of the country of about 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry, most of whom lived on the Pacific Coast. Wikipedia “ they lived in horse stalls and slept on canvas army coats“ 217 This shows the conditions that the Japanese were living in in the internment camps.
  • Dear John Letter

    Dear John Letter
    is a letter written to a man by his wife or romantic partner to inform him their relationship is over usually because she has found another lover. "I don't love you, Ishmael..... When we met that last time in the cedar tree... I knew we could never be right together. (Guterson 442) Hatsue is telling Ishmael that she no longer loves him and that she no longer wants to be with him Picture- wikiHow
  • Battle of Tarawa

    Battle of Tarawa
    It took place at the Tarawa Atoll in the Gilbert Islands, and was part of Operation Galvanic, the U.S. invasion of the Gilberts. Wikipedia “an unknown destination.” Ishmael and his men were told an unknown destination not disclose information about the upcoming battle. He was kept in the unknown until he arrived at the battle. The author used the quote to show the anticipation the men felt of not knowing where they would end up Picture -
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    Was a major battle of the Pacific War fought on the island of Okinawa by United States Marine and Army forces against the Imperial Japanese Army. Wikipedia “The man had survived Okinawa. Carl Heine, it was unbelievable." Guterson is depicting how was incredible just to survive such a brutal battle Picture-
  • Pearl Harbor Memorial

    Pearl Harbor Memorial
    “ To honor the many lives lost during the attack, the Pearl Harbor National Memorial was made " ( "The counsel for the state has proceeded on the assumption that you will be open , ladies and gentlemen, to an argument based on prejudice... He is counting on you to act on passions best left to a war of ten years ago." (Guterson 424) Guterson is showing us how we got a remember the past but not dwell on it Picture by (