Alicia's Reading History

  • Green Eggs and Ham

    Green Eggs and Ham
    I remember reading this book in Kindergarten. After reading this book my teacher brought in green eggs and ham. I thought it was so cool.
  • Bad Case of Stripes

    Bad Case of Stripes
    I remember loving this book. I had it home and me and my sister would read it together all the time.
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar

    The Very Hungry Caterpillar
    I remember reading this book in the 1st grade. I would choose this book to read because it was easy for me to follow.
  • The Rainbow Fish

    The Rainbow Fish
    This is one of the first books that I was able to read on my own.
  • The Giving Tree

    The Giving Tree
    This was the first Shel Silvertein book that I read. I remember it having a big impact on me enjoying reading for the first time. It also opened up my world to poems.
  • Amelia Bedilia

    Amelia Bedilia
    This was another series of books that I started to read that became a little bit more challenging in my reading.
  • Where the Sidewalk Ends

    Where the Sidewalk Ends
    After reading The Giving Tree, I became interested in poems. I read this book, which is a collection of poems. I still own this book today because it is special to me.
  • Junie B Jones

    Junie B Jones
    This was the first collection of books that I started to read that were a little bit more challenging. I loved this book serious because I thought the stories were funny.
  • Where the Red Fern Grows

    Where the Red Fern Grows
    I remember my teacher in the 3rd grade read this book to the class out loud. I would get so excited for story time because of this book. This story challenged my literacy with the different jargon used in the book. I also cried at the end of this book, it is one of m favorite stories.
  • The House on Mango Street

    The House on Mango Street
    This book is another one of my all time favorite poem books. I remember this book being one of the first books that I read in school that integrated Mexican heritage. This resinated with me, and there was even a character in the book with my name.