Grace's sister left to go into servic e (had to use fake date- except for the year- because it is unknown)
Grace's brother goes off to sea and is never seen again (fake date except for year)
Grace and her large family move from Ireland to Toronto. Her mother dies on the voyage (fake date but it is around April of 1840)
Mr. Kinnear and his housemaid are murdered by McDermott
Grace enters Kingston Penetentiary
James McDermott is hanged for the two murders
Where the book begins, she is almost 24, has been in prison since she was 16 (fake date except for year)
Grace marks returns to the Kingston Penitentiary (fake day but real month and year)
Where we see how Grace Marks is deceitful, a fraud, and a liar
Grace is found guilty of double murder
Grace Marks is released after 28 years and 10 months