30,000 BCE
Palaeolithic peoples in central Europe and France record numbers on bones.
3000 BCE
Babylonians begin to use a sexagesimal number system for recording financial transactions. It is a place-value system without a zero place valu
2000 BCE
Harappans adopt a uniform decimal system of weights and measures.
1850 BCE
Babylonians know Pythagoras's Theorem.
1750 BCE
The Babylonians solve linear and quadratic algebraic equations, compile tables of square and cube roots. They use Pythagoras's theorem and use mathematics to extend knowledge of astronomy.
360 BCE
Eudoxus of Cnidus develops the theory of proportion, and the method of exhaustion.
127 BCE
Hipparchus discovers the precession of the equinoxes and calculates the length of the year to within 6.5 minutes of the correct value. His astronomical work uses an early form of trigonometry.
1 CE
Chinese mathematician Liu Hsin uses decimal fractions.
Ptolemy produces many important geometrical results with applications in astronomy. His version of astronomy will be the accepted one for well over one thousand years
Chinese mathematics is introduced into Japan.
Thabit ibn Qurra makes important mathematical discoveries such as the extension of the concept of number to (positive) real numbers, integral calculus, theorems in spherical trigonometry, analytic geometry, and non-euclidean geometry.
Codex Vigilanus copied in Spain. Contains the first evidence of decimal numbers in Europe
Al-Samawal develops algebra with polynomials using negative powers and zero. He solves quadratic equations, sums the squares of the first n natural numbers, and looks at combinatorial problems.
Chinese start to use a symbol for zero
Richard of Wallingford writes Quadripartitum de sinibus demonstratis, the first original Latin treatise on trigonometry.
Mathematics becomes a compulsory subject for a degree at the University of Paris.
Del Ferro discovers a formula to solve cubic equations.
Frisius publishes a method for accurate surveying using trigonometry. He is the first to propose the triangulation method
Bombelli publishes the first three parts of his Algebra. He is the first to gives the rules for calculating with complex numbers
Cataldi uses continued fractions in finding square roots
Roberval finds the area under the cycloid curve.
Pascal builds a calculating machine to help his father with tax calculations. It performs only additions
Hooke discovers Hooke's law of elasticity
Newton discovers the binomial theorem and begins work on the differential calculus.
Pell gives a table of factors of all integers up to 100000
Kochanski gives an approximate method to find the length of the circumference of a circle
Euler publishes his theory of logarithms of complex numbers
Simson notes that in the Fibonacci sequence the ratio between adjacent numbers approaches the golden ratio.
Lambert publishes his result that π is irrational
Babbage creates the first accurate actuarial tables for use in insurance calculations
Sylvester establishes the theory of algebraic invariants.
London Mathematical Society founded.
The prime number theorem is proved independently by Hadamard and de la Vallée-Poussin. This theorem gives an estimate of the number of primes there are up to a given number, showing that the number of primes less than n tends to infinity as n/log n.
G D Birkhoff proves the general ergodic theorem. This will transform the Maxwell-Boltzmann kinetic theory of gases into a rigorous principle through the use of Lebesgue measure.
Von Mises introduces the idea of a sample space into probability theory.
M Suzuki discovers new infinite families of finite simple groups
Matiyasevich shows that "Hilbert's tenth problem" is unsolvable, namely that there is no general method for determining when polynomial equations have a solution in whole numbers.
The classification of finite simple groups is complete
Wiles proves Fermat's Last Theorem.
A prize of seven million dollars is put up for the solution of seven famous mathematical problems.