Alfred north whitehead

Alfred North Whitehead, 1861-1947

  • Process of Concrescence

    Concrescence is a term coined by White head which is an entity that has no concrete action but comes to full action. Basically all things that happen to us or even where we grow up or bad or good events change our perceptions on life. we are still learning to make concrete truths that is concrescence.
  • Organic Cosmology

    Organic Cosmology
    In Whiteheads theory of Cosmology he refers to a web of dew drops and every dew drop a reflection of an experience or and event that has happened and explains that every event and experience is dependent on one another. All webs combine to make a whole which he believes god to be the creative creature of these experiences and occurrences to become a thing of beauty.
  • The philosophy of Organism

    Alfred North White head believed that nature was more of a process than just an object. Nature is a result of a different process and everything that happens because of a process and relation to something else. A cause and effect kind of thinking. He disagreed with Newtons conception's of nature.
  • Process and Reality

    Process and Reality
    In Process and Reality Whitehead add to Hegel's finding on truths. Hegel's believed the process thought truths through the movement in and through substance. Whitehead didn't believe Hegel's theory he thought that the truth process describes entities that arise or coalesce in becoming, rather than being simply dialectically determined from prior posited determinates. He believes truths come from experiences.