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Alexis Albanese's Human Rights Timeline 9
Armenian Massacre
The Armenian Massacre took place in Armenia. People involved were "important" people, such as lawyers, writers, doctors, journalists, professors, etc. The human rights violation was carried out by men between the ages of late teens to 35 years were called into the military but then brutally murdered. The massacre happened because the Ottoman Empire was falling apart and everyone wanted some of the land, and Turks choose Armania. 75,000 men died due to this. -
Soviet Purges
It took place in the Soviet Union. People who lived in the Soviet Union, innocent people, and military personels. Joseph Stalin was killing random innocent people because he thought they were trying to take over his power. Anyone who spoke against him would be terminated. Around 500,000 people were executed. -
Rape of Nanjing
The Rape of Nanjing happened in China. The Japanese Army, the Chinese Army, and Chinese civilians were involved. The human rights violation was carried ut by the Chinese soldiers diguising themselves as civilians and getting innocent men killed, also women and children were raped and killed. This happened so the Japanese could get rid of Chinese soldiers. The Raping of Nanjing had a 300,000 person death toll. -
German Holocaust
Took place in Germany and Poland. People who were involved were Jews, Nazi's, Hitler, Non-Christians, mentally retarded, homosexuals and gypsys. Human rights violation was carried out by making concentration camps to send Jews, mentally retarded, homosexuals and gypsys to so they could be killed. The German Holocaust happened because Hitler wanted to make the perfect empire and nation. About 11 to 17 million people were affected by the German Holocaust. -
South African Apartheid
Policies of racial segregation were enforced in Africa after the National Party gained power of South Africa. Nonwhite South Americans were forced to live in seperate areas from whites. More than 3.5 million people were forcibly removed from their homes. People started to have protests and strikes because of the apartheid. -
My Lai Massacre
It takes place in Vietnam. American Soldiers and South Vietnamese. The soldiers killed South Vietnamese out of no where because the soldiers said the pressure of war was getting to them. They were also fighting with Vietnam. In three hours they had killed 504 people. -
Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge
Khmer Rouge took root in Cambodias North Eastern jungles. Killed nearly 2 million Cambodians from 1975 to 1979. Pol Pot began exterminating people who didn't fit his new ideal. Pol Pot and Cambodians were involved. It happened as a way to ethnically cleanse everyone. People who were not 100% Cambodian were taken out of Cambodia. -
Uganda under Idi Amin
Idi Amin overthrew the current government of Uganda and declared himself president. He ordered massacres of Langi and Acholi troops. The victims included members of other ethnic groups. Amin became the first African leader to renounce ties with Isreal. Amin's rule was characterized by human rights abuse. Because of Idi Amin, more than 100,00 people died. -
Chile under Augusto Pinochet
Augusto Pinochet declared himself "Supreme Chief of the Nation". Later he changed his title to president. Augusto was responsible for a lot of human rights violations such as murder and torure of political opponents. Augusto's victims of the persecution spanned the population to indigenous people to the Catholic Church. His government killed more than 3,000 people and tortured about 2,000 people. -
Missing People during the Dirty War
The Dirty War took place in Argentina. The government and thousands of citizens were involved. The human rights violation was carried out by the government making innocent citizens disapper. The Dirty War happened because the dictorial government wanted to get rid of all competition. Thousands of citizens were affected. -
Iraq under Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein was known for his violatios of human rights such as torture, rape, muder and deportations. Saddam led Iraq into a war with Iran. He used chemical weapons against Iran. Saddam gassed the town of Halabja. With the gassing of the town, he killed about 5,000 people. -
Sierra Leone and the Child Soldiers
Children were being used as soldiers in Sierra Leone in Africa. Children and the government were involved in this. The human rights violation was carried out by making children under the age of 18 soldiers to fight for their country. This happened due to many adults dieing, the government needed more people to fight. 45,000 people were affected, 17,000 were children. -
Somalia Civil War
The Somalia Civil War took place in Africa. The Union of British Somaliland and Italian Somalialand and Somalians were involved. The Human Rights Violation was carried out by killings, torture, and forced recruitments. An estimated 35,000 to 1,000,000 Somalias died. -
Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbs, Croats, and Muslims were all involved. The Serbs killed a bunch of Muslims because they were enemies before World War 1. It happened because all the ethnic groups are living in Yugoslavia and they wanted to break apart into their own countries. There was 200,000 deaths. -
Rwanda Genocide
The Rwanda Genocide took place in central Africa. The Rowandans were involved. The human rights violation was carried out by people being mutilated. This happened due to racism and an economic crisis. Tens of thousands of people were affected by this. -
Darfur Conflict
The Durfur Conflict took place in Africa, There was a struggle for land and power in the Western Sudanese region of Darfur. Because of the struggle for power, Sudanese government forces and rebel groups potested the marginalizing of the region's African ethnic groups. Arab militias began policies of ethnic cleansing against Darfur. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people died.