Alexander the great1x

Alexander The Great Timeline

  • 356 BCE


    Alexander was born in July, 356 BC
  • 346 BCE


    In 346 BC, Aristotle tutored Alexander on philosophy, Greek poetry, and geography.
  • 343 BCE

    Joining The Army

    Joining The Army
    In 340 BC, at the age of 16, Alexander joined his father's (King Philip) army. When he joined, Philip already controlled all the Greek city states except for Athens and Thebes.
  • 338 BCE

    Alexander Attacks!

    Alexander Attacks!
    In 338 BC, Alexander lead his army in a massive attack on Thebes while King Philip's army attacked Athens.
  • 336 BCE


    In 336 BC, Philip is assassinated, and Alexander becomes King.
  • 335 BCE

    Alexander rebels in Greek city-states

    Alexander rebels in Greek city-states
    In 335 BC, Alexander quickly fights back against Thebes, proving that he's a powerful king just like his father.
  • 334 BCE

    Alexander sets his sights on Asia.

    Alexander sets his sights on Asia.
    In 334 BC, after rebelling against the city-states, Alexander plans his campaign against the Persians, hoping to succeed and defeat the empire just like his father wanted to.
  • 334 BCE

    Macedonians and Persians are set to fight!

    Macedonians and Persians are set to fight!
    Alexander leads the Macedonian army against the Persians. After the fight, the Persians retreated and the army moves across the southern coast of Asia toward Gordium.
  • 333 BCE

    Alexander at Gordium

    Alexander at Gordium
    After defeating Persia, Alexander spent the winter in Gordium, and solved the puzzle of the Gordium knot.
  • 332 BCE

    Alexander conquers Egypt

    Alexander conquers Egypt
    In 332 BC, after conquering Syria, Alexander's army conquers Egypt, where he created the country of Alexandria.
  • 331 BCE

    Alexander conquers Babylon

    Alexander conquers Babylon
    In 331 BC, Alexander and Darius (King of Persians), went to war. Alexander's amazing skills were too much for Darius, who ordered his army to retreat, and the Macedonians were victorious!
  • 328 BCE

    Alexander accidently kills one of his closest companions

    Alexander accidently kills one of his closest companions
    In 328 BC, Alexander got drunk at a banquet hall and got in an argument with his companion, Cleitus. Alexander stabbed him with a spear. This made many of his companions fearful.
  • 327 BCE

    Alexander marries Roxane

    Alexander marries Roxane
    In 327 BC, After conquering most of what he wanted, Alexander married Roxane (Prince's daughter). Roxane later bared Alexander a son.
  • 326 BCE

    Alexander defeats King Porus in northern India

    Alexander defeats King Porus in northern India
    In 326 BC, Alexander was hoping to conquer more territory in his empire. Alexander and his troops cross the Hindu Cash in northern India, where they defeated King Porus' army. Alexander's army didn't want to go any farther, so Porus is forced to return to Babylon.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander's death

    Alexander's death
    In 323 BC, Alexander fell ill with a sudden fever and died. After his death, his empire fell into disarray. His three commanders divided up the empire and competed for control.