Alexander the Great's Life

  • 356 BCE

    The Birth

    The Birth
    Alexander the Great was born in Pella, Greece in July 356 BC.
  • 336 BCE

    Alexander the Great becomes king

    Alexander the Great becomes king
    His father, King Philip II, was ruled of Macedonia for two years before he was assassinated by his bodyguard. Alexander was only 20 years old, but he had to step in to replace his late father.
  • 334 BCE

    Alexander crosses the Hellespont into Anatolia

    Alexander crosses the Hellespont into Anatolia
    This was known as the Battle of Granicus. His goal was to defeat King Darius and take over the Persian empire. Darius did not see him as a threat so he sent other generals to fight him and Alexander won the battle.
  • 333 BCE

    Second battle with Persia

    Second battle with Persia
    Alexander still wants control of Persia, so he tried to fight with Darius at Issus. Even though Darius had a much larger army than Alexander, he was still able to win the battle by the tight formation of his troops. Darius fled, so Alexander captured his wife and children.
  • 331 BCE

    Battle of Gaugamela

    Battle of Gaugamela
    This was the final battle between the Macedonians and the Persians. Darius, once again, fled and then he died. Alexander won the battle and took leadership over Persia.
  • 331 BCE

    Alexander conquers Egypt

    Alexander conquers Egypt
    Alexander expands his growing empire by taking over Egypt. He founded a city, called it Alexandria, and was told that he was the son of god, Zeus. After creating the city, he left to continue his journey.
  • 325 BCE

    The Marriage

    The Marriage
    Alexander the Great married the daughter of King Darius III named Stateira II, even though she was Persian. Alexander also convinced his soldiers to marry Persians too.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander dies

    Alexander dies
    On their way back to Greece after traveling to India, Alexander the Great became ill and died in June 323 BC at the age of 32. He left a giant empire that took him 11 years to create/expand. It didn't last very long after his death.