Alexander the Great's Life

By lamp15
  • Period: 359 BCE to 336 BCE

    Philip II's (Alexander's dad) rule

    Philip II (Alexander's dad) rules during this time
  • Period: 356 BCE to 324 BCE

    Alexander's life spawn

    Marks alexander's time alive. Alexander the Great
  • 338 BCE

    Philip II (Alexander's dad) gets control over Greece

    After the Persian war in Greece, Philip II takes control over Greece.
  • 336 BCE

    Philip II (Alexander's dad) dies

    Philip II (Alexander's dad) dies while he was attending his daughter's wedding.
  • 336 BCE

    Alexander becomes King

    Alexander becomes king of Macedonia. He shares his dad's motive of conquering Persia and starts to fulfill it. (he is 20 years old)
  • Period: 336 BCE to 325 BCE

    The time of Alexander's conquest

    Marks the time it took Alexander to build his empire.
  • Period: 336 BCE to 324 BCE

    Alexander is King

    Alexander is king during this time.
  • 334 BCE

    Alexander Crosses the Hellespont to Anatolia

    Alexander goes to defeat King Darius III(King of the Persian empire). Darius sends other generals to fight with him because he didn't think he was much of an enemy. Alexander defeated them with ease.
  • 333 BCE

    Second Battle with Persia

    Alexzander fights Darius at Issus. Even though Darius had a larger army; Alexander won the battle. He used phalanx formation to do this. Darius fled, but Alexander captured his wife and children.
  • 331 BCE

    Final Battle with Persia

    Darius fled because he realized he wouldn't win. After he fled, he died which gave alexander his empire.
  • 331 BCE

    Conquering Egypt

    Alexander conquers Egypt. He builds the city of Alexandria and is proclaimed the son of Zeus-Ammon who is a god.
  • 324 BCE

    Alexander's death

    Alexander dies while returning from India.