356 BCE
Alexander is Born
Alexander is born at Pella in Macedonia. His father is King Phillip II and his mother is Olympias. -
340 BCE
Alexander in the Army
At the age of 16 Alexander joins his father's army. King Philip II controls all the Greek city states with the exception of Athens and Thebes. In only 2 short years it would be a 18 year old Alexander who would led attack against Thebes in what would be his first victory. -
336 BCE
Alexander becomes King
Alexander becomes king following the assignation of his father, King Phillip II. Alexander is 20 years old -
335 BCE
Alexander shows his strength
Following the death of King Phillip II, Thebes start to rebel against the kingdom. Alexander acts quickly and stops the rebellion in its tracks and either kills the inhabitants or sells them into slavery. In what is the first real showing of his power. -
332 BCE
Egypt falls
Alexander quickly and easily conquers Egypt. He creates the city of Alexandria which is one of many of the cities he names for himself during his many conquest. Alexandria is meant to be the center of all the Greek commerce. -
331 BCE
Babylon Falls
After conquering Egypt, Alexander moves to Babylon where he meets with King Darius. Darius and his men are no match compared to Alexander and his men who quickly take Babylon. -
327 BCE
Alexander Marries Roxanne
323 BCE
The Death of Alexander
Alexander falls ill before he can embark on his latest campaign. It is not clear how he died but what is known is that he had a fever that latest 10 days. The mystery as to how he died is still not known. Alexander leaves his kingdom to the strongest of his commanders. But following his death the kingdom falls into chaos and the 3 commanders divide it up three ways.