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Alexander the great

  • 356 BCE

    Alexander the Great's Birth

    Alexander the Great's Birth
    The full name of Alexander the great is Alexander lll of Macedon. The place of birth was Pella, Greece. Philip ll of Macedon was his father, and his mother was Olympias. Alexander's siblings were Cleopatra of Macedon, Philip lll of Macedon, Cynane, Caranus, Thessalonike of Macedon, Europa.
  • 336 BCE

    Alexander becomes the ruler of Macedonia

    Alexander becomes the ruler of Macedonia
    In 336 B.C, Alexanders father Philip was murder by his bodyguard Pausanias. Just 20-year-old, Alexander claimed the Macedonian throne and killed his rivals before they could challenge his sovereignty. He also quashed rebellions for independence in northern Greece. He was also known as the great empire.
  • 334 BCE

    Alexander the great Wins battle of the Granicus

    Alexander the great Wins battle of the Granicus
    The Battle of the Granicus in May 334 B.C. The first victorious engagement of Alexander the greats invasion of the Persian empire established the Macedonians on enemy soil. It allowed Alexander to replenish his empty supply stores and encouraged some key Greek states to rebel against the Persians.
  • 334 BCE

    Alexander the Great kills Cleitus the black.

    Alexander the Great kills Cleitus the black.
    Cleitus the Black was born on 375 B.C. He was an officer of the Macedonian army led by Alexander the Great. He saved Alexander's life at the Battle of the Granicus in 334 B.C and was killed by him in a drunken quarrel six years later. Cleitus was the son of Dropiadas and brother of Alexander's nurse, Lanike. Cleitus the Black died in 328 B.C in Samarkhand, Uzbekistan.
  • 333 BCE

    Alexander the great wins battle of Issus against Darius

    Alexander the great wins battle of Issus against Darius
    A famous battle during the war between Macedonia and the Persian Empire. It was a major victory for Alexander. The Macedonian king Alexander the Great defeated Darius lll Codomannus, won Phoenicia and Egypt, destroyed the Persian army.
  • 331 BCE

    Founds alexandria wins Battle of Gaugamela against Darius.

    Founds alexandria wins Battle of Gaugamela against Darius.
    Battle in which Alexander the Great completed his conquest of Darius lll 's Persian Empire. It was an extraordinary victory achieved against a numerically superior army on ground chosen by the Persians. As at Issus, the Aggression of the Macedonian cavalry led by Alexander the Great carried the day.
  • 327 BCE

    Alexander the great married Roxana

    Alexander the great married Roxana
    Roxana the wife of Alexander the Great. The daughter of the Bactrian chief Oxyartes, she was captured and married by Alexander the Great, during his conquest of Asia. After the death of Alexander the Great Roxana died in 310 B.C. She died in Amphipolis, Greece.
  • 326 BCE

    Alexander wins the Battle of Hydaspes against Porus

    Alexander wins the Battle of Hydaspes against Porus
    The battle of the Hydaspes was fought in 326 BC between Alexander the Great and King Porus of the Paurava Kingdom on the banks of the Indian River in the Punjab region of the Indian Subcontinent. The Period of the battle was from May 326 B.C - May 325 B.C. Macedonian Empire annexes large areas of the Punjab region from the Hydaspes to Hyphasis. The battle resulted in a Greek victory and the surrender of Porus.
  • 324 BCE

    Alexander the Great Susa weddings

    Alexander the Great Susa weddings
    Alexander the Great marries and Hephaition marries Stateira's sister, Drypetis, at Susa. The Susa wedding was a mass wedding arranged by Alexander the Great of Macedon in 324 in the Persian city of Susa. Daughter of Darius, and, according to Aristobulus, another wife, also, Parysatis, the youngest daughter of Artaxerxes lll.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander the Great Death

    Alexander the Great Death
    After surviving battle after a fierce battle, Alexander the Great died in June 323 B.C. at the age of 32. Some historians believe that Alexander died of malaria, typhoid fever or other maladies, and others believe he was poisoned. He died between the evening of June 10 and the evening of June 11, 323 B.C. This happened in the place of Nebuchadnezzar ll in Babylon. His body was buried in Memphis, Egypt and then they move to Alexandria.