Alexander the Great

  • 356 BCE

    Birth of Alexander

    Born in macedonia to King Phillip ll
  • 343 BCE

    Alexander gets a tutor.

    Alexander gets a tutor.
    Philip hires the greek philosopher Aristotele to tutor alexander.
  • 340 BCE

    Alexander finish studying and joins army

    Alexander finish studying and joins army
    At age 16 alexander finishes studying under aristotle and joins his father army
  • 338 BCE

    Alexander leads the attack against the Thebans

    Alexander leads the attack against the Thebans
    The macedonians meet the athenians and thebans in battle at chaerona. While leads the attack against the athenians, is alexanders first battle.
  • 336 BCE

    Philip celebrates his upcoming departure to attack persia

    Philip celebrates his upcoming departure to attack persia
    King philip celebrates that as well as the marriage of his daughter Cleopatra.
  • 335 BCE

    Greek city states of Thebes to Rebel

    Greek city states of Thebes to Rebel
    The thracians and illyrians rise up in rebellion, and this inspires the greek city states to do the same, and alexander quickly besieges the city and razes it to the ground.
  • 334 BCE

    Alexander supply his troops

    Alexander supply his troops
    Alexander borrows money to supply his troops for one month and departs for asia in the spring of 334BCE.
  • 334 BCE

    Alexander leads the macedonian army against the persians at the Granicus River

    Alexander leads the macedonian army against the persians at the Granicus River
    After savage fighting, the persians retreat and alexanders army moves across the southern coast of asia toward Gordium
  • 333 BCE

    Alexander spends the winter at Gordium

    Alexander spends the winter at Gordium
    As they travel they liberate a number of persian rule
  • 331 BCE

    Alexander conquers egypt

    Alexander conquers egypt
    After conquering syria, alexander sweeps south and easily conquers egypt after besieging
  • 331 BCE

    Alexander conquers babylon

    Alexander conquers babylon
    Alexander moves from one major persian city to the next conquering babylon
  • 328 BCE

    Alexander becomes drunk

    Alexander becomes drunk
    Suffering from the tensions of warfare and command, alexander becomes drunk at a banquet in the fall of 328
  • 327 BCE

    Alexander's officers begin to fear him

    Alexander's officers begin to fear him
    However this incident marks a turning point in life of alexander.
  • 326 BCE

    Alexander went to northen India

    Alexander went to northen India
    Hopping to add even more territory to his empire alexander and his troops defeat king porus at northen india with elephants.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander the great dies.

    Alexander the great dies.
    Before he can set out on hes new campaign, alexander falls ill with a sudden fever and dies at the age of 32