Alexander the great

  • 356 BCE

    Birth of alexander

    Alexanders mother is was named Olympias his fathers name was Philip II of Macedon was educated by Aristotle
  • 343 BCE

    Alexanders education

    Alexander the great was educated by Aristotle. Aristotle showed him philosophy,geography,Greek poetry.
  • 340 BCE

    joining the army

    At the end of his studies at 16 he joined his fathers army at the time his father had conquered all Greek city-states except Athens and Thebans
  • 338 BCE


    Alexander leads his army to battle against the Thebans while his dad leads the battle against the Athens this is Alexanders first taste of war by the end of the battle he and his father had won the battle most of Greek was under control of Macedonian except for Sparta
  • 336 BCE

    father death rise to be king

    In the year 336 BCE while celebrating the departure to go conquer Persia and celebrating his daughters marriage king Philip is murdered by on of his guards. Alexander becomes king of his dads empire at the age of 20
  • 335 BCE

    Alexander power as king

    in the year 335 BCE the city of Thracian and illyrians rise up in a rebellion not long after that does the city of Thebes start to rebel to Alexander is quick to show he has power by stopping the rebellion and executing or sold the people into slavery this shows the other city-states the true power he has
  • 334 BCE

    Conquering new land

    Alexander departures from Asia to the Persian empire Alexander conquers the Persian empire and frees the people of the Persian rule and spends time there until the winter of 333 BCE he then solves the puzzle of the Gordian note legend said that if you untied it you become ruler of Asia as he did
  • 326 BCE

    going back to Babylon

    in this time Alexander defeats king Pours he keeps moving to conquer land until his soldiers are tired and refuse t go on any further forcing them to go back to Babylon.
  • 323 BCE

    Death of Alexander the great

    Alexander and his troops are head to northern India his troops refuse to go on anymore because they are to tired witch forces them to go back to Babylon on the trip back Alexander gets a cold and dies Alexander died at the age of 32 in 323 b.c.
  • conquering Babylon

    as soon as he defeats the Persian empire he moves forward and conquers Babylon