356 BCE
Birth of Alexander
He is born in Pella, Macedonia to King Philip II -
343 BCE
Alexander and Aristotle
Philip hires the Greek philosopher Aristotle to tutor Alexander -
340 BCE
Alexander Joins the Army
At the age 16, Alexander finishes studying under Aristotle and joins his father`s army -
338 BCE
First Taste of War
Alexander leads the attack against the Thebans -
336 BCE
Alexander Becomes King
At the age 20, King Philip is killed; Alexander now becomes king after his father. -
335 BCE
Controlling the Rebels
The Thracian and the Illyrians rebel against Alexander, which inspire other Greek city-states to rebel. Alexander quickly besieges the cities. -
334 BCE
Alexander Against Persia
Alexander leads the Macedonian army against the Persians at the Granicus River -
333 BCE
The Gordian Knot
Alexander spends the winter at Gordium, where the legend says the he solved the puzzle to knot. The oracle said that he who solves the knot will conquer all of Asia. -
331 BCE
Alexander conquers Egypt, where he creates and names the city of Alexandria after himself. -
328 BCE
Cleitus Death
Alexander and his close companion Cleitus were having a discussion. After that Alexander accidentally stabs and kills his friend. -
327 BCE
Alexander Gets Married
Alexander gets married with Roxane, Prince`s Oxyartes daughter. To show political alliance -
326 BCE
Alexander Defeats King Porus
Alexander leads his army into the Hindu Kush where he defeats King Porus -
323 BCE
Death of Alexander
He dies of a fever in Babylon on his way back to Greece