356 BCE
Birth of Alexander
Alexander is born in Pelia. Macedonia to King Philip II -
343 BCE
Alexander is tutored
Alexander is tutored by Greek Philosopher Aristotle -
340 BCE
Alexander finishes studying and joins army
Alexander finishes studying under Aristides and joins his fathers army -
338 BCE
The Macedonians meet the Athenians and Thebans
Alexander leads the attack against the Thebans while his father against the Athenians. -
336 BCE
Philip is Assasinated
King Phillip is assasinated and Alexander become king at the age of 20 -
335 BCE
Thracians and Illyrians rise up in rebellion
This inspires the Greek city state of Thebes to Rebel, Alexander razes the city to the ground -
334 BCE
Alexander leads army against Persians
Alexander fights the Persians and the Persians retreat -
331 BCE
Alexander creates city of Alexandria
After conquering Egypt, he creates a city from his own name -
331 BCE
Alexander conquers Babylon
Alexander then conquers Babylon on October 18, 331 BCE -
328 BCE
Alexander gets drunk at a Banquet
Suffering from the tensions of warfare and command he becomes drunk at a banquet -
327 BCE
Alexander gets married
After conquering Iran, Alexander marries Roxanne -
326 BCE
Alexander conquers King Porus
Alexander conquers more land -
324 BCE
Alexanders Death
Alexander dies at the age of 32 due to a fever on his way back home