Alexander The Great

  • 340 BCE

    340 BC

    soldiers in a phalanx that Phillip adapted, the body armour for the infantry is less.
  • Period: 340 BCE to 323 BCE

    Alexander's Glory

  • 339 BCE

    Alexander Studies Ideas from His Father

  • 338 BCE

    Alexander and his father

    Alexander and his father
    Alexander embarreses his father calling him a drunk.
  • 336 BCE

    336 Philip Dies

    336 Philip Dies
    336 BC Philip is stabbed and killed
  • 334 BCE


    334 BC Alexander won the war at Granicus river
  • 332 BCE

    332 Alexander becomes a Pharoah

    Alexander becomes a pharaoh
  • 331 BCE

    331 BC - Darius

    Alexander will take over Darius.
  • 330 BCE

    330 BC

    330 BC
    Alexander has been on the march for 12 years.
  • 324 BCE

    324 BC Alexander leads his army back to greece

    324 BC Alexander leads his army back to greece
    Leads his army back to Greece.
  • 323 BCE

    323 Lost his lover

    323 Lost his lover
    hephaestion died this day
  • 330

    330 BC

    There’s little doubt that Alexander rules Asia.
  • 338


    338 BC Battle of Chaeronea