356 BCE
Birth of Alexander
Born in Pella, Macedonia to King Philip II -
343 BCE
Aristotle tutors Alexander
in about 3 years, Aristotle teaches Alexander about philosophy, Geography, poetry and science. -
340 BCE
No more studying
Alexander finishes his studies with Aristotle at the age of 16. -
338 BCE
Battle at Chaeronea
The Macedonians fought against the Athenians and the Thebans. They conquered all of Greece because of this. -
338 BCE
Alexander's first battle
While in the battle at Cheronea, Alexander fought his first war against the Thebans. -
336 BCE
Death of King Philip
King Philip and his people were celebrating the departure to attack Persia and his daughter's marriage. Then he was assassinated by one of his guards. -
335 BCE
The Rebellion
The Thracians and the Illyrians atarted a rebellion. That rebellion influenced Thebes as well. -
335 BCE
Alexander is just as powerful as King Philip
The rebellion that was rising in power was quickly destroyed. People where killed or sold for slavery. Alexander proved that he was just as powerful as his father. -
334 BCE
Macedonia is bankrupt
Even though Macedonia was bankrupt, Alexander borrowed money to fund his army and left to conquer Asia. -
334 BCE
Conquering of Persia
Alexander lead an attack on Persia at the Grancus River. The Persians flea and The Macedonian's move south. -
333 BCE
The Gordian Knot
While in Gordiam, Alexander solves the Gordian Knot. Legends said that who ever solved it would rule Asia. -
331 BCE
After Alexander the Great conquered Syria he easily conquered Egypt. After this he created another Alexandria. -
331 BCE
Adopting Persian customs
After conquering Babylon, Alexander distributed treasure to his men. Alexander also adopted Persian customs to hold his empire together. -
328 BCE
Battle of Granicus
Alexander's close companion Cleitus saved him in the battle of Granicus and they fell in an argument right after. Alexander stabbed Cleitus and he soon died. That is when Alexander began to fear his officers. -
327 BCE
Alexander gets Married
After conquering Eastern Iran, Alexander Married the king's daughter. This meant a political alliance with them both. -
327 BCE
Alexander gets Married
After conquering Eastern Iran, Alexander Married the king's daughter. This meant a political alliance with them both. -
326 BCE
Conquering more of Asia
After getting across the Hindu Kush, Alexander defeated King Porus. This happend because he found out about his war elephants. -
323 BCE
Death of Alexander the Great
After conquering most of India, Alexander wanted to get to China but his army refused. As they were heading back home, Alexander died from a fever.